US Veterinary Schools: Add Bovine Dentistry to your Schools Curriculum CHEYENNE LITTLE
What Is Bovine Dentistry? Bovine dentistry is the practice of “floating” or filing down the teeth of cattle.
I’ve Never Heard of This Before? Veterinarians recommend horses have their teeth floated every 6-12 months. However, cattle have never been considered in the veterinary dentistry industry. Even though cattle and horses have the exact same type of constant tooth eruption as well as wear and tear cattle have never had dental procedures preformed like they need. With a hypothesis in mind I set out to prove to the world that cattle need dental floating's. Now, over 2 years later, I am here to encourage veterinary schools to adopt this new industry that I created. And the first step is to get them to teach bovine dentistry to their veterinary students.
The Procedure 1. Wash the oral cavity out 2.Place the nose ring 3. Insert the oral speculum into the cows mouth 4.Palpate the oral region and examine visually 5.Examine endoscopicly 6. Float the molars that are in need with hand or power tools
Why Float Cows? Higher fecal pH Lower ammonia nitrogen More environmentally friendly farming Longer production lifespan Lower feed bills Higher digestibility Oral comfort Raised milk production Now your wondering… Why NOT Float Cows? Sadly, cows are seen as a commodity in America. Most dairy cows are slaughtered by age 4. So many farmers believe floating cows teeth wouldn’t be worth it to them. It is easier for farmers to just slaughter a cow and purchase a new one than float their existing cows teeth. Plus it takes a lot of work to float the cows teeth, an added expense.
Lets See the Science Behind this!
Benefits Explained… Milk Component Analysis CLICK HERE Milk component analysis tells us how the components of each cows milk in the clinical trial differed from before and after in the month long trial.
Benefits Explained… Fecal Analysis CLICK HERE The fecal analysis is a key part to this research project. It shows how the feed is digested. And the key part to milk is nutrition. Which starts with consumption and digestion!
My hopes are that you now see the importance of bovine dentistry and will support me in my efforts to get veterinary schools across America to take notice the way you have and begin to teach this important topic in their schools.