Week 1 Plant Id Horticulture I Landscape Trees
Acer Palmatum Common Name: Japanese Maple Family: Araceae Native: Japan
Life Cycle: Deciduous Classification: Tree Leaf Arrangement: Opposite Leaf Shape: Star Lear Margin: Serrate & Lobed Vein Pattern: Palmate Leaf Type: Simple
Flower Color: Purple (Summer) Root: Fibrous Fruit: Samara (Fall) Environment: Part Shade Growth: Rapid Zones: 6-8
DESCRIPTION Leaves are lobed depending on variety Sinuses reach more than half way to middle Doubly serrated
DESCRIPTION Color of foliage green to red Buds - small buds on end of stem - matched pair
Acer Rubrum Common Name: Red Maple Family: Araceae Native: Eastern USA
Life Cycle: Deciduous Classification: Tree Leaf Arrangement: Opposite Leaf Shape: Star Lear Margin: Serrate & Lobed Vein Pattern: Palmate Leaf Type: Simple
Flower Color: Red Cluster (Spring) Root: Fibrous Fruit: Samara (Fall) Environment: Part Shade-Sun Growth: Rapid Zones: 3-9
Description Leaves 3 to 5 lobed Leaves have gray cast beneath
Cercis canadensis Common Name: Eastern Redbud Family: Fabaceae Native: New Jersey to Florida
Life Cycle: Deciduous Classification: Small Tree Leaf Arrangement: Opposite Leaf Shape: Cordate Leaf Margin: Entire Vein Pattern: Palmate Leaf Type: Simple
Flower Color: Red or White (Spring) Root: Fibrous Fruit: Pod (Fall) Environment: Shade-Sun Growth: Slow Zones: 4-10
DESCRIPTION Plant will be open in the shade, thick in the sun. Flower all along the stem Stems zigzag
Cornus florida Common Name: Flowering Dogwood Family: Native: Cornaceae
Life Cycle: Deciduous Classification: Small Tree Leaf Arrangement: Opposite Leaf Shape: Ovate Leaf Margin: Entire Vein Pattern: Pinnate Leaf Type: Simple
Flower Color: White & Pink (Spring) Root: Fibrous Fruit: Glossy red drupe (Fall) Environment: Part shade Growth: Slow Zones: 5-9
Betula Nigra Common Name: River Birch Family: Betulaceae Native: Eastern USA
Life Cycle: Deciduous Classification: Tree Leaf Arrangement: Alternate Leaf Shape: Elliptical Leaf Margin: Serrate Vein Pattern: Pinnate Leaf Type: Simple Leaf Length: 3-5” Width: 1 ½-3” Plant Height: 40-50’ Width: 40-60’
Flower : Inconspicuous Root: Fibrous Fruit: Nut Environment: Part Shade Growth: Rapid Zones: 4-8
Description On branches 2” or more, bark exfoliates into papery plates exposing the inner bark
Description Leaves have sharp tips Cultivars: ‘Heritage’ has larger leaves and tan bark
Cultural Practices Likes moist soils
Problems May get too large for landscape space
Lagerstroemia indica cv. (la-ger-STREEM-ee-a iN-dih-kuh) Crape Myrtle, Crepe Myrtle Family: Lythraceae Deciduous Tree
Height: ft. Width: ft. When planting space 8-10 ft apart.
Flowers: Come in pink, fuschia, red, coral, white Panicle shape flower Blooms: mid summer late summer/early fall mid fall
Bark: smooth to exfoliating Leaves: – 1”- 3” long – Opposite to whorled leaf pattern – Yellow fall color – Simple Leaf Growth Form: Round Likes Sun Rapid Growth