By the end of this lesson, students will be able to: Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of recorded video versus live feed. Discuss the hardware and software needed.
Introduction to video instruction Difference between Synchronous & Asynchronous Hardware & Software Advantages & Disadvantages Quiz Evaluation
“Most forms of learning, distance or otherwise, have some form of content as the basic teaching material. Additionally, good pedagogical practice typically includes instructional strategies that support learner interaction with the content.” -Kanuka, H. (2011)
According to Surprise and Mitchell (1994), videos can be effective if used properly. The authors suggested that using videos “to introduce material, to help learners visualize the key points of a concept, to relate them to other concepts, and to help students see real world applications of ideas explored in the classroom” (p.533) was most effective. - Surprise & Mitchell (1994)
“For video lectures to be most effectively used by students, they should appeal to students learning style preferences.” - Brecht, H. & Ogilby, S. (2008)
Videos have been used in traditional class settings. As technology has advanced, the use of videos as also increased. Today, videos are being used in virtual schools and distance education, as well as traditional classrooms.
Synchronous › Virtual meetings › Chat rooms › Audio/visual conferencing › Two-way broadcasts Asynchronous › Pre-recorded audio/visual recordings › Podcast › CDs › Discussion boards › Wikis › Blogs
Webcam Microphone Video creating & editing software › Examples: iMovie, Windows Movie Maker
Webcam Microphone Video streaming software
Synchronous › Interactive › Immediate response to questions › Sharing of knowledge › Immediate access to the instructor Asynchronous › Convenient › Flexibility › Self-paced › More time for thought on questions › Accessible for review
Synchronous › Requires a set time › Requires a set location › More restricted Asynchronous › Minimal participation › Time for feedback or responses
Brecht, H. D., & Ogilby, S. M. (2008). Enabling a comprehensive teaching strategy: Video lectures. Journal of Information Technology Education, 7. Choi, H. J., & Johnson, S. D. (2007). The effect of problem-based video instruction on learner satisfaction, comprehension and retention in college courses. British Journal of Educational Technology, 38(5), Kanuka, H. (2011). Interaction and the online distance classroom: Do instructional methods effect the quality of interaction? Journal of Computing in Higher Education, 23(2-3), Skylar, A. A. (2009). A comparison of asynchronous online text-based lectures and synchronous interactive web conferencing lectures. Issues in Teacher Education, 18(2), Sturgeon, R. (2011). Suprise, S. J., & Mitchell, N. L. (1994). Effective use of video in interactive modules. Retrieved from on November 20, 2011.