ECE 333 Renewable Energy Systems Lecture 1:Introduction Prof. Tom Overbye Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
ECE 333 Teaching Staff Professor Tom Overbye TA Shamina Hossain Office hours are as given in the syllabus Hourly exams will be in-class; final exam is as per the university schedule
About Prof. Tom Overbye Professional Received BSEE, MSEE, and Ph.D. all from University of Wisconsin at Madison (83, 88, 91) Worked for eight years as engineer for an electric utility (Madison Gas & Electric) Have been at UI since 1991, doing teaching and doing research in the area of electric power systems; fifth time teaching ECE 333 Developed commercial power system analysis package, known now as PowerWorld Simulator. DOE investigator for 8/14/2003 blackout Elected to National Academy of Engineering in 2013
About Prof. Tom Overbye Nonprofessional Married to Jo Have three children Tim age 20 Hannah age 17 Amanda age 15 Live in country by Homer on the Salt Fork River We’ve homeschooled our kids all the way through, with Tim now starting his fourth semester at UIUC in mechanical eng.
My Kids
About Shamina Professional: Undergrad: Washington State University Yellowstone visit during roadtrip to WA B.S.E.E. ‘12 Professional: Undergrad: Washington State University Grad: UIUC (started Fall 2012) Working on power systems research with Prof. Overbye Non-professional: Loves cooking and all things food Hobbies include reading, running, and…researching (had to go with the ‘r’ theme!) Drove from IL to WA last summer and back Engaged and getting married this summer! M.S.E.E. ‘14 Fiancé Food IL Half Marathon! Currently reading
Green Electric Energy Systems Focus of course is on electric energy sources that are sustainable (won’t diminish over time) excluding large-scale hydro Course is primarily about the electric aspects of the sources These resources may be large-scale or may be distributed Courses does not cover nuclear Course does not cover biological resources (at least not in-depth) Course is technical, but given the focus we’ll certainly be covering the ethical, policy and current events as well. Course prerequisite is ECE 205 or ECE 210
With Energy, What Do We Want? To feel green? To use less energy? To have a higher standard of living? To decrease our carbon dioxide emissions now? In the future? To have more renewable energy? To have less expensive energy? To have jobs? To have it “Not in My Backyard (NIMBY)”
Engineers Have Long Been “Green” With lighting over the last 150 years we’ve increased efficiencies by about a factor of 1000. From 0.05 lumens/watt for a candle, to 15 for an incandescent bulb, to > 130 for an LED. Source:
ECE 333 Syllabus Introduction, fundamentals of electric power Electric Power Grid, Conventional Generation Wind Power Systems Wind/Grid Integration, Introduction to Power Flow The Solar Resource Photovoltaic Materials and Systems Smart Grid Integration Issues Distributed Generation Technologies (e.g., fuel cells) Economics of Distributed Resources Energy Storage including Electric/Hybrid Cars
Notation - Power Power: Instantaneous consumption of energy Power Units Watts = voltage x current for dc (W) kW – 1 x 103 Watt MW – 1 x 106 Watt GW – 1 x 109 Watt Installed U.S. generation capacity is about 1000 GW ( about 3 kW per person) Maximum load of Champaign/Urbana about 300 MW
Notation - Energy Energy: Integration of power over time; energy is what people really want from a power system Energy Units Joule = 1 Watt-second (J) kWh = Kilowatthour (3.6 x 106 J) Btu = 1055 J; 1 MBtu=0.292 MWh; 1MWh=3.4MBtu One gallon of gas has about 0.125 MBtu (36.5 kWh); one gallon ethanol as about 0.084 Mbtu (2/3 that of gas) U.S. electric energy consumption is about 3600 billion kWh (about 13,333 kWh per person)
North America Interconnections
Electric Systems in Energy Context Class focuses on renewable electric systems, but we first need to put them in the context of the total energy delivery system Electricity is used primarily as a means for energy transportation Use other sources of energy to create it, and it is usually converted into another form of energy when used Concerns about need to reduce CO2 emissions and fossil fuel depletion are becoming main drivers for change in world energy infrastructure
Looking at the 2013 Energy Pie: Where the USA Got Its Energy About 82% Fossil Fuels About 40% of our energy is consumed in the form of electricity, a percentage that is gradually increasing. The vast majority on the non- fossil fuel energy is electric! In 2013 we got about 1.6% of our energy from wind and 0.3% from solar (PV and solar thermal), 0.2% from geothermal 1 Quad = 293 billion kWh (actual), 1 Quad = 98 billion kWh (used, taking into account efficiency) Source: EIA Monthly Energy Review, December 2014
Historical and Projected US Energy Consumption Energy in Quads Source: EIA Monthly Energy Review, December 2014
Renewable Energy Consumption 2013 Data (Quad) Total: 9.3 Hydro: 2.6 Wood: 2.1 Bio: 2.0 Wind: 1.6 Waste: 0.5 Solar: 0.3 Geo: 0.2 Source: EIA Monthly Energy Review, December 2014
Growth in US Wind Power Capacity The quick development time for wind of 6 months to a year means that changes in federal tax incentives can have an almost immediate impact on construction Source: AWEA Wind Power Outlook 3 Qtr, 2014
The World Source: Steve Chu and Arun Majumdar, “Opportunities and challenges for a sustainable energy future,” Nature, August 2012
The World: Top Energy Users (in Quad), 2013 Data China – 110.6 USA – 95.0 Europe – 81.4 Russia – 31.5 India – 23.9 Japan – 20.3 Africa – 17.3 Canada – 13.3 Brazil – 12.0 World total was about 529 Quad in 2012; Average per 100 Million people is about 7. If world used US average total consumption would be about 2150 quad! Source: US DOE EIA
Per Capita Energy Consumption in MBtu per Year (2011 data) Iceland: 688.3 Norway: 386.8 Kuwait: 577.2 Canada: 393.7 USA: 312.7 Australia: 276.9 Russia: 213.3 France: 165.9 Japan: 164.0 Germany: 165.4 UK: 134.5 S. Africa: 115.3 China: 77.5 Brazil: 60.1 Indonesia: 25.6 India: 19.7 Pakistan: 14.2 Nigeria: 5.0 Malawi: 1.9 Chad: 0.3 Source
World Population Trends Country 2005 2015 2025 % Japan 127.5 126.9 123.3 -3.3 Germany 82.4 80.8 79.2 -3.9 Indonesia 220.2 256.0 276.7 25.6 USA 295.7 321.3 351.3 18.8 China 1306 1361 1394 6.7 India 1094 1251 1396 27.6 World 6474 7253 7986 23.3 Source:; values in millions; percent change from 2005 to 2025
USA Energy-Related CO2 Emissions are Down to mid 1990’s levels Part of the reason for the decrease is due to low natural gas prices, which has caused greatly increased natural gas generation and less coal generation. Source: US DOE EIA, US Energy-Related Carbon Dioxide Emissions, 2013
Worldwide CO2 Emissions Worldwide CO2 emissions continue to climb, from 23,700 billion metric tons in 2000 to 32,700 in 2012 Country comparisons between 2000 and 2010 (billion metric tons) Country 2000 2012 USA 5861 5270 China 2850 8547 India 1002 1831 Russia 1499 1781 Japan 1201 1259 Europe 4459 4263
Global Warming: What is Known is CO2 in Air is Rising Value was about 280 ppm in 1800, 399 in 2014 Rate of increase is about 2 ppm per year Source:
As is Worldwide Temperature (at Least Over Last 150 Years Baseline is 1961 to 1990 mean; value for first 11 months of 2014 is about 0.558 (about tied for highest) Source:
Local conditions don’t necessarily say much about the global climate
Annual Temperatures for Illinois Source :
But more controversy associated with longer temperature trends Estimated surface temperature in Sargasso Sea (located in North Atlantic) Europe was clearly warmer in 1000AD; worldwide temperatures are more debated Source: Robsinson, Robsinson, Soon, “Environmental Effects of Increased Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide”, 2007
Going Back a Few More Years
And a Few More – Mostly Very Cold!
Millions and Tens of Millions
And Where Might Temps Go? Note that the models show rate of increase values of between 0.2 to 0.5 C per decade. The rate from 1975 to 2005 was about 0.2 C per decade.
Energy Economics Electric generating technologies involve a tradeoff between fixed costs (costs to build them) and operating costs Nuclear and solar high fixed costs, but low operating costs (though cost of solar has decreased substantially recently) Natural gas/oil have low fixed costs but can have higher operating costs (dependent upon fuel prices) Coal, wind, hydro are in between Also the units capacity factor is important to determining ultimate cost of electricity