First discussion moderators Follow-up any oral communication from last week The College and Workplace learner Developing an Oral Communication activity for College/ Workplace learners
Oral Communication: Serina, Naomi, Erin, Marie-Eve College and Workplace: Anna, Greg, Greg
Small group discussion roles ( role of listening) Persuasive speeches Character role-playing- group and independent Scene production and adaptation Grammar mini-lessons Debates Seminars
Small group discussion roles ( role of listening) Persuasive speeches Character role-playing- group and independent Scene production and adaptation Grammar mini-lessons Debates Seminars
What are we evaluating? Content/ Style balance Style criteria? What are expectations of students? Briefly discuss and list the criteria you would list on a rubric or checklist for a senior level student presentation.
Checklists Student participation What criteria are being evaluated?
Characteristics Interests Challenges Where is he/she going? What does he/she need?
English 4C: This course emphasizes the consolidation of literacy, communication, and critical and creative thinking skills necessary for success in academic and daily life. Students will analyse a variety of informational and graphic texts, as well as literary texts from various countries and cultures, and create oral, written and media texts…An important focus will be on using language for precision and clarity and developing greater control in writing.
“Students will analyse a range of challenging literary texts… important focus will be on using academic language coherently and confidently, selecting the reading strategies best suited to particular texts and particular purposes for reading, and developing greater control in writing.”
ENG4E: as with 4C, but also: “An important focus will be on using language accurately and organizing ideas and information coherently. This course is intended to prepare students for the workplace and active citizenship.
Purpose and history Findings Partnership with high school teachers My experience and observations- how it shaped my practice
“Practicality” Workplace/business applications- communication, oral language Different approach to literature- non-fiction, choice, structure Differentiated Instruction (Include this in weeks 2 and 4)
Attendance Classroom management/ Case studies Independent work habits Issues beyond the classroom- need for flexibility vs need to instill work habits and structure
Business Communications tasks: letters, memos, interview and presentation skills- Travel Agent Activity
Content- What? Process- How? Product- What? Environment- Where? How? According to students’ - readiness -interests -learning profile
No Big Ideas Guiding Questions Key assignment criteria Yes Learning experiences Tracking and communication Knowledge and skills Assessment tasks and conditions
Create a new oral activity on a topic of your choice ( a poem, reading, discussion issue) and develop and demonstrate the presentation Gear this activity to students at the college- workplace levels Use any format- drama, debate, seminar- just present it as if you were modelling this for students
Due next week Purpose: Exploration, Narrowing down the topic Criteria/ checklist Evaluation: exceptional vs excellent??