BBC NEWS 16 th November 2009 Plastic chemicals 'feminise boys' The University of Rochester team's latest work adds to concerns about the safety of phthalates, found in vinyl flooring and PVC shower curtains. CPSC News October 6 th 2009 Daiso Recalls Children’s Toys, Purses and Pen Cases Due to Violation of Lead Paint and Phthalate Limits -Zippers and prints excessive lead levels -Inflatable baseball bat contains excessive level of DEHP plasticiser -Manf in China and Vietnam
Topics The 5 w’s of REACH Terminology Textiles and REACH svhc How to comply ?
The 5 w’s of REACH What ? REACH is an EU chemical regulation and it is a legal requirement.If you do not meet REACH compliance then you are breaking the law. Why ? To legally enforce the banning of certain substances that can be harmful to human health and the environment When ? REACH has been in force since 1 st June 2007 Where ? It is applicable to those countries within the EEA(European Economic Area) i.e,15 EU countries plus Iceland,Lichenstein and Norway. Who ? Any EU company that manufactures or imports,substances,articles,preparations and also any company that wishes to export substances,articles and preparations into the EU.
Terminology REACH - Regulation, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals SVHC – Substances of Very High Concern ECHA – European Chemical Agency Candidate list – A list of SVHC that have been formally recognised by REACH for potential authorisation.
Substance – a chemical element and its compounds in the natural state or obtained by any manufacturing process,including any additive necessary to preserve its stability and any impurity deriving from the process used,but excluding any solvent which may be separated without affecting the stability of a substance or changing its composition Preparation – means a mixture or solution composed of two or more substances Article – means an object which during its production is given a special shape,surface or design which determines its function to a greater degree than does its chemical composition Terminology
The following are examples of items that can be classed as articles and preparations for textiles :- Articles Finished garments,fabric (woven,non-woven,knitted),yarns,fibres,clothing accessories. Preparations Spin finishes,certain dyes,auxilary chemicals. Textiles and REACH svhc
Test Substance,preparation or Article ? Article 1 2 Article : 1 only ? Or 1 and 2 ? 1 only substancepreparation
Textiles and REACH svhc Current candidate List ( ) *extractable only
List of current substances to be added to svhc candidate list
Sin List ? -A list of substances that have been identified as svhc - Currently 356 substances identified - Aim is to push legislation,faciliate businesses in reducing/eliminating the use of hazardous substances -More info
How do I ensure my products comply ? EU based company Exporting products globally EU based company Importing products from outside EU into the EU Non EU based company Exporting products into the EU Non EU based company Exporting products into the USA Non EU based company Exporting products into a None EU country 1. Is Reach applicable to you ? YesNo 2. What substances am I looking for ? Obtain latest svhc candidate list from ECHA website
3. Do my products contain any of the SVHC on the REACH candidate list ? -Ask suppliers for REACH svhc compliance on products they supply you. -Ensure you know how your product is made or ask an expert -No information from suppliers consider third party testing
Textiles and REACH svhc Notification If you find that you have a SVHC present in your article or preparation then :- 1.If the level of SVHC is at a higher level than 0.1% w/w then you have a duty to supply the recipient with sufficient information to allow safe use of that article. 2.If the level of SVHC is at a higher level than 0.1w/w and it can be “intentionally” released and present in the article or preparation at greater than 1 tonne per annum, then the ECHA will need to be notified and the SVHC will need to be registered.
Thank you Any Questions ?