COMPETENCE FOR A BETTER FUTURE Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus (BTU)
Brandenburg University of Technology (BTU) BTU Cottbus Newly established in faculties Broad scientific education in natural sciences and industrial technologies Research and Education with a strong regional impetus approx students (around of which are from foreign countries) employees (125 senior scientists, 502 assistant scientists) Budget in 2006: ,5 T€ Acquisition of external funds in 2006: ,7 T€ stand 03/2008
Brandenburg University of Technology (BTU) Faculties Faculty 1 Mathematics, Physics and Computer Science Faculty 2 Architecture, Civil Engineering and Urban Planning Faculty 3 Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Industrial Engineering Faculty 4 Environmental Sciences and Process Engineering
Brandenburg University of Technology (BTU) Vision and Mission Statement BTU stands for Building – Technology – Environment “Designing a sustainable future” The BTU Cottbus is an internationally recognised, innovation-oriented small technical university for research and teaching. Its areas of concentration are: the environment, energy, materials science, building and construction as well as information and communication technology. In researching and interdisciplinary competencies beyong knowledge and skills inengineering and the natural sciences, BTU consistently brings forth sustainable outcomes for the future.
Brandenburg University of Technology (BTU) Key Issues in Science Information Communication Energy Environment Materials
Brandenburg University of Technology (BTU) Research focus Regional development Light weight materials, new functional materials Power transformation, energy transfer and use of energy Vehicle and engine technologies Information technology and communication Modeling and simulation The interlocking research focus Technical and social phenomena – man/environment/society acts as a link between the research foci and integrates the departments of economics, social sciences and humanities.
Brandenburg University of Technology (BTU) Acquisition of external research funds Acquisition of external research funds in 2006: T€ in T€ year stand
Brandenburg University of Technology (BTU) Academic programs at BTU Cottbus Applied Mathematics (M.Sc.) Architecture (B.Sc., M.Sc.) Interpretation & Communication of Architecture (M.Sc.) Building and Conservation (M.Sc.) Civil Engineering (B.Sc., M.Sc.) business studies (B.Sc., M.Sc.*) Biomedical electronic Engineering (M.Sc.) eBusiness (B.Sc., M.Sc.) Electrical Engineering (Dipl.-Ing.,B.Sc.,M.Sc.) Fuel from Biomass and Waste (M.Sc.)* Environmental Technologies (M.Sc.) Environmental and Resource Management (B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D.) Euro Hydro-Informatics and Water Management (M.Sc.) Computer Science (Dipl.-Ing., B.Sc., M.Sc.) Information and Media Technology (B.Sc., M.Sc.) Culture and Technology (B.A., M.A.*) stand 03/2008 Land Use and Water Management (B.Sc., M.Sc.*) Mechanical Engineering (Dipl.-Ing., B.Sc., M.Sc.) Mathematics (B.Sc.) Renewable Raw Materials and Regenerative Energy (M.Sc.)* Physics (B.Sc., M.Sc.) Power Engineering (M.Sc.) Process Engineering and Plant Design M.Sc.) Urban and Regional Planning (B.Sc., M.Sc.) Structural Engineering (M.Sc.) Technologies of biogenous raw materials (B.Sc.) Technology and Innovation Management (M.A.) Environmental Engineering (B.Sc.) Process Engineering (B.Sc., M.Sc.*) Industrial Engineering (Dipl.-Ing., B.Sc.*, M.Sc.*) Economathematics (B.Sc.) Business Law for Technological Enterprises (M.B.L.) Economic Studies (postgrad.-Dipl.) World Heritage Studies (M.A.) * in the pipeline
Brandenburg University of Technology (BTU) Number of students at BTU Cottbus students stand
Brandenburg University of Technology (BTU) Number of foreign students at BTU Cottbus students stand
Brandenburg University of Technology (BTU) 160 associates relationships to many partner universities and institutions worldwide International Cooperation stand 03/2008
Brandenburg University of Technology (BTU) Central scientific facilities Center for Law and Administrative Issues Center for Human Ecology (HÖZ) Center for Energy-Technology Brandenburg (CEBra) Research Center Landscape Development and Mining Landscapes (FZLB)
Brandenburg University of Technology (BTU) Other scientific facilities Joint Laboratory of IHP and BTU (JointLab) Center for research and material testing (FMPA) Panta Rhei gGmbH center for lightweight construction materials Center for Energy-Technology Brandenburg (CEBra)
Brandenburg University of Technology (BTU) Other facilities Information, Communication and Media Center (IKMZ) Hochschul-Gebäude-Management-Lausitz (HGML) Central facility for adult education University sports center Foreign language center
Brandenburg University of Technology (BTU) Technology Transfer Transfer of university-based Know-how and consultancy Support for the outsourcing of technology-oriented enterprises Application and use of licenses Cooperation between science and the economy especially with small- scale technology-oriented enterprises with regard to the development of innovative products and services Investor center Cottbus Support of the regional economy with regard to the maintenance and creation of employment