By Bailey
The Flag The England FlagThe UK Flag
A Few Facts You Should Know Capital: London Population:53.01 Million [as of 2011] Area: 50,085 sq miles Climate: temperate Official Language: English Government: Constitutional Monarchy, Constituent Country
A few British words British wordEnglish meaning Matefriend Reckonto suppose Rubbishgarbage, trash, waste, low quality Wickedcool, great, excellent Bob’s your uncleeverything is complete Bogeyboogers Buttysandwich British wordEnglish meaning Matefriend Reckonto suppose Rubbishgarbage, trash, waste, low quality Wickedcool, great, excellent Bob’s your uncleeverything is complete Bogeyboogers Buttysandwich
Big Ben Big Ben is the nickname for the great bell of the clock at the north end of the Palace of Westminster in London. Address: Westminster, London,94710 Address: Westminster, London,94710 Height: 316 feet Height: 316 feet Opened:1859 Opened:1859 Function: clock tower Function: clock tower Architect: Augustus Welby Northmore Pugin Architect: Augustus Welby Northmore Pugin
The London Eye The London Eye is a huge Ferris Wheel on the south bank of the river Thames in London, England. Height: 443 ft Construction Started: 1998 Opened: March 9, 2000 Engineer: Jane M. Wernick
Tower Bridge The tower bridge is a combined bascule and suspension bridge in London that crosses the River Thames. It is near the Tower of London from where it takes his name. Construction started: April 22, 1883 Opened: June 30, 1894 Height: 213 ft Architects: Horace Jones, George D Steohenson
Buckingham Palace Buckingham palace is the official London residence and principal workplace of the British monarch. The palace is a setting for state occasions and royal hospitality. Address: London SW1A 1AA, United Kingdom Architectural style: Neoclassicism Opened:1703 Architects: John Nash, Aston Webb, Edward Blore, and William Winde Floors: 5