Session Objectives By the end of the session, participants will be able to: Describe the overall structure of the ClASS Toolkit Define “authenticated user” Locate ClASS tools and templates Locate program- and country-specific documents Locate and navigate the new timeline feature Explain how to create and update a Reviewer Profile
Features of the ClASS Website Targeted to different user groups Easy access to materials and resources Enhanced database of trained ClASS consultants Timeline feature to assist in management of assessments Forum for Review Team communication
ClASS process, framework and methodology ClASS assessment templates and materials ClASS training resources ClASS TA Resources Consultant Database Structure of the Toolkit – PUBLIC SITE (1)
Structure of the Toolkit – PUBLIC SITE (2)
Purpose of the Toolkit – PUBLIC (2)
The “Authenticated User”
Assessment-specific documents Country-specific background, health data, travel insights Scope of work Travel & logistical details Create and/or update a Reviewer profile Structure of the Toolkit – SECURED SITE
Team Page: Welcome
Team Page: Bios
Assessment Timeline (1)
Assessment Timeline (2)
Country Documents
Team Page: Discussion Forum (1)
Team Page: Discussion Forum (2)
Consultant Database
Purpose of the Toolkit - PRIVATE
Creating a Reviewer Profile (1) 250 words or less Enter basic information Type or paste bio
Upload a CV Upload a photo Specify preferred means of contact Creating a Reviewer Profile (2)
Specify area of expertise List previous ClASS experience Creating a Reviewer Profile (3)
IMPORTANT: “Mark consultant as Active” AND “Include in Consultant List”
True or False? The “authenticated user” has access to the entire secured ClASS site. True or False? Anyone can access the documents on the public ClASS site. True or False? The ClASS Administrative Tool is only available on the secured ClASS site. You can find the new timeline feature on the secured site by logging in and clicking on _______. True or False? Anyone can browse the ClASS Consultant Database. Game time!