Blueprint for Livable Communities Advisory Group Friday May 9, DRPT Human Service Transportation Grant Programs and MAP-21 DRPT Staff: John Mahoney Human Service Transportation Project Manager
Agenda Overview of DRPT’s Federal Human Service Transportation Grant Programs Focus on Section 5310 and New Freedom Programs MAP-21 Changes and Human Service Transportation Grant Programs Blueprint for Livable Communities Advisory Group Friday May 9, 2014
Blueprint for Livable Communities Advisory Group Friday May 9, 2014 Federal SAFETEA-LU and MAP-21 Programs Administered by DRPT Section 5310 Capital Program: Provides capital funding for transportation services for elderly persons and persons with disabilities. Section 5317 New Freedom Program: Provides program funding for transportation services that go beyond the American with Disabilities Act (ADA). Job Access Reverse Commute (JARC): Provides funds for transportation services for low income workers. New federal transportation legislation – Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21 st Century (MAP-21) consolidates programs and funding.
Section 5310 Overview Supports capital projects for seniors and people with disabilities - 80/20 Federal/local match Projects must be consistent with regional coordinated plan. Subrecipients are typically non-profits. Eligible subrecipients: 1.Private non-profit organizations 2.Governmental authorities that certify that no non-profit corporations or associations are readily available in an area to provide the service 3.Governmental authorities approved by the state to coordinate services for older adults and individuals with disabilities Blueprint for Livable Communities Advisory Group Friday May 9, 2014
Section 5310 Impact In FY14 Section 5310 funds support purchase of 79 vehicles at 35 agencies - $3.6 million total cost. Between October 1, 2012 and September 30, 2013, these Section 5310 projects provided over 900,000 one way trips to seniors and people with disabilities. Blueprint for Livable Communities Advisory Group Friday May 9, 2014
New Freedom - Overview In FY14 DRPT supported projects with a total cost of $2,348,211 in 14 agencies providing transportation (operating funds) and other services to people with disabilities statewide. In addition to operating, New Freedom supports mobility management services including: –Trip/Itinerary Planning –One-on-one Travel Training –Transportation Options Training –Materials and Marketing –Volunteer Driver Programs –One-stop Center – All Above And More at One Location Blueprint for Livable Communities Advisory Group Friday May 9, 2014
New Freedom Survey In July 2013, DRPT conducted a survey of New Freedom projects to assess their impact and value. 13 recipient agencies responded. Blueprint for Livable Communities Advisory Group Friday May 9, 2014
New Freedom – Impact/Value What Difference Does it Make? “Mr. L (72) needs dialysis treatments 3 times a week and cancer treatments every other week. He also needs to see a physician once a month…. Without the money from this grant, we would only be able to take him once a week for a medical appointment. These treatments are literally a matter of life or death for him.” Blueprint for Livable Communities Advisory Group Friday May 9, 2014
New Freedom – Impact/Value According to survey respondents, New Freedom funds: –Expanded Geographic Coverage – Both inside and outside of the ADA service area. –Extended Service Hours or Days/Improved System Capacity - Avg. 82 Hrs. added per week –Improved Access/Connections – Demand response and door to d oor where the most frequently utilized services. – Improved Customer Knowledge – Mobility Managers provided one-on-one assistance to over 16,000 clients during the 9 month study period. Blueprint for Livable Communities Advisory Group Friday May 9, 2014
New Freedom – Impact/Value 13 responding agencies provided 61,871 one-way trips during the 9 month period 10/1/12 – 6/30/13, covering a total of 718,416 miles. –Annualized - That’s 82,495 one-way trips and 957,888 miles. Federal and state operating funds awarded to these projects for the year total $1,328,462. These grant funds yield a per mile operating cost of $1.39. Blueprint for Livable Communities Advisory Group Friday May 9, 2014
MAP-21 Overview Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act (MAP-21). Extended SAFETEA-LU through September 30, 2012 and authorizes programs for two years, through September 30, MAP-21 Makes significant changes to New Freedom, Section 5310, and JARC programs. Blueprint for Livable Communities Advisory Group Friday May 9, 2014
MAP-21 Overview/Impact MAP-21 combines Section 5310 Capital and New Freedom grant programs and limits allocations. –min. 55% must support capital; –60/20/20% split – large urban, small urban, rural –Capital v. New Freedom –Urban v. Rural As a result, when comparing FY14 and FY15 - Allocations to rural projects decline and urban projects increase. Blueprint for Livable Communities Advisory Group Friday May 9, 2014
Overall FY15 vs. FY14 Capital Projects: FY vehicles; 34 agencies. FY vehicles; 35 agencies. Non Capital (New Freedom) Projects: FY15 – 13 agencies; 17 projects. FY agencies; 23 projects. Rural projects face most significant funding gap. DRPT mitigates impact by using prior year balances; using Section 5311 funds where possible; targeting reductions. Blueprint for Livable Communities Advisory Group Friday May 9, 2014
Blueprint for Livable Communities Advisory Group Friday May 9, 2014 Selected New Freedom Projects Shenandoah Agency on Aging (Bob Haas) serves Winchester and five county surrounding area (PDC 7). –New Freedom supports door-to-door services for people with disabilities. –Annually provides over 6,300 one-way trips, totaling more than 135,000 miles of safe reliable transportation.
Blueprint for Livable Communities Advisory Group Friday May 9, 2014 Selected New Freedom Projects Bay Transit Mobility Manager (Katherine Newman) coordinates transportation for people with disabilities across 10 counties (Charles City, Essex, Gloucester, King and Queen, King William, Lancaster, Mathews, Middlesex, New Kent, Northumberland, Richmond, Westmoreland) rides annually to citizens with disabilities. New Freedom expanded hours of service by 4 hours during weekdays and up to 8 hours on the weekend. Mobility Manger and advisory group playing lead role in updating Coordinated Human Service Mobility Plan.
Blueprint for Livable Communities Advisory Group Friday May 9, 2014 Selected New Freedom Projects JAUNT- Mobility Manager serves Thomas Jefferson PDC. –Regularly coordinates services/meets with ARC, International Rescue Committee, Blue Ridge Medical Center, JABA, Region Ten, LogistiCare Advisory Council, Disabilities Service Board, ADA Advisory Board, and Senior Advisory Boards. –New Freedom highlights: Expanded service from Nelson County to Charlottesville. Created a Transportation Resource Guide
Blueprint for Livable Communities Advisory Group Friday May 9, 2014 Selected New Freedom Projects Central Virginia Area Agency on Aging serves the 11th Planning District (Amherst, Appomattox, Bedford and Campbell counties; cities of Bedford and Lynchburg). New Freedom program provides transportation for disabled persons to get to medical appointments (including life sustaining dialysis treatments), grocery shopping and other necessary appointments. Primarily serves under 60 population not eligible for other transportation programs who could “fall through the cracks.” 2,500+ rides annually to over 50 clients. All clients have no other means of transportation.
Blueprint for Livable Communities Advisory Group Friday May 9, 2014 Selected New Freedom Projects Rappahannock-Rapidan Regional Commission. New Freedom supports Regional Mobility Management program (Jenny Biche) and the Foothills Express shuttle bus. –Established Foothills Area Mobility System (FAMS) partnership. –Implemented a One-Call Transportation Center. –Developed Regional Transportation Resource Guide. –Implemented travel training program. Annually, One-Call Transportation Center responds to 1,000+ transportation requests and provides training sessions.
Blueprint for Livable Communities Advisory Group Friday May 9, 2014 Selected New Freedom Projects Rappahannock Area Agency on Aging Mobility Options Program (Denis Paddeu) schedules and provides trips for people with disabilities in Caroline, King George, Spotsylvania and Stafford counties and the City of Fredericksburg. Clearinghouse of transportation resources for the region. Successful Travel Training Program; cooperative agreement with FRED. Volunteer Driver Program.
Blueprint for Livable Communities Advisory Group Friday May 9, 2014 Selected New Freedom Projects Mountain Empire for Older Citizens, Inc. (MEOC) New Freedom program improves transportation options available to persons with disabilities and seniors in Southwest Virginia. (Lee, Wise, and Scott counties; city of Norton) Mobility Manager (Nicky Fleenor) provides case management and individualized support (home visits) to passengers (as needed) assisting them with appointment/trip scheduling and referrals. Mobility Manager also coordinates: –Volunteer Driver Program trips since inception –Passenger Attendant Program – 400 Passengers monthly
Blueprint for Livable Communities Advisory Group Friday May 9, 2014 For more information: John Mahoney Human Service Transportation Project Manager Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transportation (804)