How does free verse poetry differ from prose? –Most people believe that free verse poetry is simply poetry without rules; after all, it doesn’t rhyme and it doesn’t have meter. However, what separates poetry from prose is the arrangement of carefully chosen words into verses.
Does free verse poetry have any rules? Free verse is not just a sudden thought recorded on paper or on a computer. It is not that no rules apply to a free verse poem; rather, the poet makes up the rules for each poem. Free verse, done well, will have rhythm, though it may not have a regular beat. It may have numerous poetic devices. There may be patterns of sound and repetition. It will have a lyric quality – like a song that doesn’t rhyme.
Is free verse poetry hard to write? It may be more difficult to write free verse than other forms, simply because the poet has more decisions to make. There is no pattern of lines or number of syllables to follow (as with a haiku, for example), With free verse, the poet must make up the rules and then follow them.
What shape can a poem take? The subject of a poem will often help determine the shape. A narrative poem (one which tells a story) will usually take more lines to tell than a lyric poem (which describes a particular moment, event, or emotion). A poem meant to evoke an image or a feeling will usually have a lot more white space around it.
How do you know where to divide lines and stanzas Without set rules, you are free to decide where to break your poem into stanzas. You may choose to use a set number of lines per stanza. You may decide to break at each new thought, like a paragraph. You may break stanzas in mid sentence to draw attention to a line or phrase. You may break stanzas according to when you might take a breath when reading aloud. You decide! It may take a few tries to get your poem the way you want it.
What about lines? There is no rule about how long a line should be in a free verse poem. Usually a line will have at least three beats. A single word on a line should not be used often unless you really want to emphasize it. Pay attention to the final word on each line because readers are used to listening for rhyme or repetition of sounds and will naturally pay close attention to the final word of each line. End your lines with strong words.
What about meter and rhythm? Even though the lines of a free verse poem do not follow a regular pattern of rhythm, they still have cadences (rise and fall of the voice), patterns of sound and repetition of sounds which give the words their music and can help carry the reader along or slow the reader down. The natural stresses of language will call attention to certain words. As a writer of free verse, you can place those words where you wish.
How does one start writing a free verse poem? You might begin by writing all your thoughts together, without stanzas. Then go back and edit the words, removing unnecessary ones or choosing more powerful synonyms, and working to cut and shape the poem. You will know you are done when you are satisfied with the message and the shape of your poem.
What are the advantages of choosing free verse as a poetic form? What are the disadvantages of choosing free verse as a poetic form?