Mao Zedong and the Chinese Communist Party Mao Zedong- Political leader, statesman, and general who led the Communist forces during the Chinese Civil War against Chiang Kai-Shek and the Republic of China. Considered a great revolutionary and strategist who made China a major power through policies. October 1 st, 1949-Mao Zedong establishes the People’s Republic of China, becomes chairman of the Chinese Communist Party. Changed Chinese economy by ending dependence on agriculture and building new industrial plants. Created socio-political programs such as the Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution to strengthen China’s economical and political position. Both programs were criticized for causing the deaths of millions through famine and prosecution. Mao Zedong 毛泽东 2
Cultural Revolution Socio-political movement that took place in China in Mass mobilization of urban Chinese youth under Mao Zedong. Began in September of 1965 Created to eliminate rivals within the Chinese Communist party and government and against Western ideals (Capitalism). Eliminate old culture and follow philosophy of Mao Zedong(Maoism). The poster states: "Destroy the old world; Forge the new world." A worker (or possibly Red Guard) crushes the crucifix, Buddha, and classical Chinese texts with his hammer;
Cultural Revolution “Little Red Book” -carried and read by everyone to support Mao Zedong’s thoughts. Red Guards-Persecuted Chinese intellectuals, sentenced landlords, capitalists, and members of Chiang Kai-Shek’s Kuomintang(military) to labor camps and prisons. Fought each other to prove who is most loyal to Mao, gain authority and power. Burned books with old philosophy(Confucius), literature, books that could spread foreign (Western)ideas. Partially/totally destroyed temples, artifacts and private businesses. Chinese students-humiliated/prosecuted intellectuals and professors who questioned the government. Ended in 1976 with Mao Zedong’s death. Children carrying the “Red Book” and wearing badges of Mao Zedong Chinese intellectuals being tortured/criticized. 4
One Child Policy In 1955, officials launched a campaign to promote birth control. Depending on where they live, couples can be fined thousands of dollars for having a supernumerary child without a permit, and there are reports of forced abortions. Before long, however, population growth was taking a toll on the nation's food supply Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping establishes one child policy. Since 1979, the law has prevented some 250 million births, saving China from a population explosion the nation would have difficulty accommodating. 5
Modernization of China’s Economy Four Modernizations-articulated by Zhou Enlai in 1975 to make China an economic power by 21 st century. China's Four Modernizations were in the fields of: -Agriculture -Industry -Science & Technology -National Defense Ten Year Plan-created after Mao to: -construct railroads and harbors -produce and distribute coal, iron, steel, oil, and electricity. Chinese leaders-changed foreign trade/policies. Believed that more money and large funds could be received internationally to speed up China’s modernization. Opened 14 cities to create more engagement with international economy. Deng Xiaoping-led economic reforms 6
7 Traditionally, Chinese families are strict and structured. Still in some lives at home are still very traditional -Grandparents still occasionally live with parents and children The man is the head of the family Family -basic unit of society Modern and Traditional Life in China