Strategic Education PartnershipMarch 2009 Working with our NHS Partners Tony Horne Dr Jeannette Bartholomew
NSR: Working with our NHS Partners March 2009 Next Stage Review Opportunities/Challenges Service transformation High quality (global) workforce Leadership and Management Partnership working (education, convergence of health & social care) Excellence & innovation
NSR: Working with our NHS Partners March 2009 Fit for the Future: Workforce Themes Changing attitudes & behaviours (Culture & customer focus) Improving health: knowledge & skills development throughout the workforce in preventative care Knowledge & skills development for staff in working with patients with long term conditions Effective leadership Increased staffing in primary and community care settings Increased staffing in specific skill groups (eg unscheduled care)
NSR: Working with our NHS Partners March 2009 Our current portfolio Pharmacy (FT 96 x 4) Radiography (FT 66 x 3) Biomedical Science (FT/PT 70 x 3) Clinical Physiology (FT 10 x 4)* Dental Care Practitioners & Dentists (FT 24 x 3; PT 20 x 2) Emergency Care Practice (PT 15 x 2) Operating Department Practice (FT 30 x 2) Applied Medical Technology (FT/PT 20 x 2/3) Paramedics (FT 15 x 2; PT 30 x 3) Putting Evidence into Practice [PEP] (160 places)
NSR: Working with our NHS Partners March 2009 Resources and Infrastructure Central campus location; c19,000 students NHS specification equipment Two Centres of Excellence in Teaching & Learning Foundation Direct (foundation degree student support) The ExPERT Centre (CPD and simulation) Progression from Pre-entry to Prof Doc/PhD Interprofessional learning: the common learning programme (Portsmouth & Southampton) Specialist teaching and research input from practice
NSR: Working with our NHS Partners March 2009 Moving forward Research Design Service Research expertise of world-class status Leadership, management and customer focus Health Innovation & Education Cluster Simulation training Placement learning Creative technologies Dentistry
Working with our NHS Partners Ready, willing and able to help Experience in place Shared goals Moving forward together Strategic Education PartnershipMarch 2009
Thank you Tony Horne Jeannette Bartholomew NSR: Working with our NHS Partners March 2009