Chemical Biological Defense Acquisition Initiatives Forum (CBDAIF) Acquisition Policy Changes: Systems Engineering Focus Defense Acquisition Management System, DoD Instruction 5000.02 May 6, 2009 Chemical Biological Defense Acquisition Initiatives Forum (CBDAIF) Dave Ferris Chief Systems Engineer Joint Program Executive Office for Chemical and Biological Defense 703.681.0813
Systems Engineering (SE) Focus Agenda What is SE DoDI 5000.02 Revisions wrt SE SE Emphasis SE Technical Reviews Conclusion
What is Systems Engineering? A Logical Sequence of Activities and Decisions Followed to Transform an Operational Need Into System Performance Parameters and a Preferred System Configuration The Integration and Management of Engineering Specialties Design Engineering Specialty Engineering Test Engineering Logistics Engineering Production Engineering
Defense Acquisition Management System 2008 Technology Opportunities & Resources User Needs Full Rate Prod DR MS A MS B MS C Engineering & Manufacturing Development & Demonstration Production & Deployment Strategic Guidance Joint Concepts JCD Materiel Solution Analysis ICD CDD CPD O&S FAA FNA FSA TechDev MDD AoA Incremental Development FCB OSD/JCS COCOM SYSTEMS ENGINEERING Systems Engineering Is Throughout the Life-Cycle
Systems Engineering Related Regulatory Requirements Added/Revised For All Programs Reference When Required Comment Preliminary Design Review (PDR) Report DoDI 5000.02 Pre or Post MS B Assessment Conducted by MDA Post Critical Design Review (CDR) Report Post-CDR Assessment Test & Evaluation Strategy MS A Address Competitive Prototype Testing Technology Development Strategy Describe Acquisition Increments Systems Engineering Plan (SEP) MS A, B, & C MS A: Supports TDS MSS B/C: Supports AS IUID Implementation Plan MS B&C Summarized in SEP PDR Report. -PDR Before MS B. PDR conducted for each candidate design. PDR Report includes recommended requirements trades based upon an assessment of cost, schedule, and performance risk. -PDR After MS B. PM submits a PDR report and the MDA conducts a formal Post-PDR Assessment. The PDR report reflects requirements trades based upon the PM’s assessment of cost, schedule, and performance risk. The MDA considers results of the PDR and the PM’s assessment, and determines whether remedial action is necessary to achieve APB objectives. CDR Report. The PM provides a CDR Report to the MDA that provides an overall assessment of design maturity and a summary of the system-level CDR results. The MDA reviews the CDR Report and the PM's resolution/mitigation plans and determines at the Post-CDR Assessment whether additional action is necessary to satisfy EMDD Phase exit criteria and to achieve the program outcomes specified in the APB. Net-Centric Data Strategy. Net-centricity is a robust, globally interconnected network environment (including infrastructure, systems, processes, and people) in which data is shared timely and seamlessly among users, applications, and platforms. Net-centricity enables substantially improved military situational awareness and significantly shortened decision making cycles. Systems Engineering Plan (SEP). Describes the program’s overall technical approach, including key technical risks, processes, resources, metrics, and applicable performance incentives; timing, conduct, and success criteria of technical reviews. IUID Implementation Plan. “DoD unique item identification” means a system of marking items delivered to DoD with unique item identifiers that have machine-readable data elements to distinguish an item from all other like and unlike items. See DoDI 8320.04
Defense Acquisition Management System 2008 IOC B A Technology Opportunities & Resources Materiel Solution Analysis FRP Decision Review FOC Materiel Development User Needs Changes to Decision Points Old (2003) New (2008) Change from 2003 Concept Decision (CD) Materiel Development Decision (MDD) MDD required prior to entering the process at any point Design Readiness Review DRR Post-CDR Assessment MDA’s assessment of PM’s CDR Report PDR CDR CDD CPD ICD AoA Pre-Systems Acquisition Systems Acquisition Sustainment Post CDR Assessment Technology Development Production & Deployment Operations & Support Engineering and Manufacturing Development Post-PDR Assessment MDA’s assessment of PM’s PDR Report (if PDR after MS B) N/A C or Post PDR MDD: the formal entry into the acquisition process; mandatory for all programs. -At the MDD, the Joint Staff presents JROC recommendations; the Component presents the ICD with a preliminary CONOPS, description of capability needed, operational risks, and basis for why a non-materiel solution(s) will not fill the need (or completely fill the need). --The MDA approves the guidance for conduct of the AoA (for ACAT I programs, OSD/PA&E provides); determines the phase of entry into the process; and designates the lead Component. --The lead Component prepares the AoA study plan after approval of the study guidance at the MDD. Post PDR Assessment: Required only if PDR comes after Milestone B. More on PDRs later. Post CDR Assessment: -MDA conducts based on a post-CDR report from the PM. -Post CDR Report provides assessment of design maturity, a summary of the issues and actions PM intends to take to resolve the issues, assessment of risk of meeting exit criteria for EMDD phase, potential issues that could result in an APB breach. -MDA reviews the PM’s report and decides if program is ready/not ready to proceed in EMD and issue an ADM.
Preliminary Design Review PDR Before Milestone B Planned for in Technology Development Strategy PDR Report provided to MDA at MS B Includes recommended requirements trades B Engineering & Manufacturing Development C Technology PDR CDR CDD CPD Post CDR Assessment or PDR After Milestone B Planned for in Acquisition Strategy PDR Report provided to MDA prior to Post PDR Assessment Reflects requirements trades At Post PDR Assessment, MDA considers PDR report; determines action(s) required to achieve APB objectives and issues ADM Post PDR PDR Before MS B: “When consistent with technology development phase objectives, associated prototyping activity, and the MDA approved TDS, the PM shall plan a Preliminary Design Review (PDR) before Milestone B.” PDR planning is reflected in the TDS and conducted for the candidate design(s) to establish the allocated baseline (hardware, software, human/support systems) and underlying architectures and to define a high-confidence design. All system elements (hardware and software) must be at a level of maturity commensurate with the PDR entrance and exit criteria. A successful PDR informs requirements trades; improves cost estimation; and identifies remaining design, integration, and manufacturing risks. The PDR is conducted at the system level and includes user representatives and associated certification authorities (not defined). The PDR Report is provided to the MDA at Milestone B and includes recommended requirements trades based upon an assessment of cost, schedule, and performance risk. PDR After MS B: “If a PDR has not been conducted prior to Milestone B, the PM shall plan for a PDR as soon as feasible after program initiation.” PDR planning is reflected in the Acquisition Strategy and conducted consistent with the policies for the TD phase PDR (above). Following PDR, the PM submits a PDR report and the MDA conducts a formal Post-PDR Assessment. The PDR report reflects any requirements trades based upon the PM’s assessment of cost, schedule, and performance risk. The MDA will consider the results of the PDR and the PM’s assessment, and determine whether remedial action is necessary to achieve APB objectives. The results of the MDA's Post-PDR Assessment are documented in an ADM.
Engineering & Manufacturing Development Two Major Efforts B C PDR CDR CDD CPD Post CDR Assessment or Integrated System Design System Capability & Manufacturing Process Demonstration Old (2003) New (2008) Change from 2003 System Design Integrated System Design Establishment of Product Baseline for all Configuration Items System Demonstration System Capability & Manufacturing Process Demonstration Manufacturing processes effectively demonstrated; production-representative article(s) demonstrated in intended environment; T&E assesses improvements to mission capability and operational support based on user needs. Post PDR Integrated System Design. This effort is intended to define system and system-of-systems functionality and interfaces, complete hardware and software detailed design, and reduce system-level risk. Integrated System Design includes the establishment of the product baseline for all configuration items. System Capability and Manufacturing Process Demonstration. This effort is intended to demonstrate the ability of the system to operate in a useful way consistent with the approved KPPs and that system production can be supported by demonstrated manufacturing processes. Program enters SCMPD upon completion of the Post-CDR Assessment and establishment of an initial product baseline. Effort ends when the system meets approved requirements and is demonstrated in its intended environment using the selected production-representative article; manufacturing processes have been effectively demonstrated; industrial capabilities are reasonably available; and the system meets or exceeds exit criteria and Milestone C entrance requirements. Successful developmental test and evaluation (DT&E) to assess technical progress against critical technical parameters, early operational assessments, and, where proven capabilities exist, the use of modeling and simulation to demonstrate system/system-of-systems integration are critical during this effort. Test and evaluation (T&E) assesses improvements to mission capability and operational support based on user needs and shall be reported in terms of operational significance to the user.
Systems Engineering: Renewed Emphasis Systems Engineering Plan (SEP) Required at Each Milestone MDA is Approval Authority for the SEP PEOs Must Have Lead Systems Engineer – Oversees SE Across PEOs Portfolio; Reviews SEPs; Assesses Performance of Subordinate Systems Engineers with PEO and PM Event-driven Technical Reviews Required – with SMEs Independent of Program, Unless Waived by MDA Requires Configuration Management to Establish and Control Product Attributes and the Technical Baseline Spectrum Supportability Determination Required, Where Applicable Encl 12 includes SE policy previously directed by AT&L memos, and in addition: SPECTRUM SUPPORTABILITY. For all electromagnetic spectrum-dependent systems, PMs shall comply with U.S. and host nation spectrum regulations. They shall submit written determinations to the DoD Component CIO or equivalent that the electromagnetic spectrum necessary to support the operation of the system during its expected life cycle is, or will be, available (DoD Directive 4650.1, Reference
Systems Engineering (Cont’d) ESOH Risk Management Required to be Integrated with Overall SE Process PESHE (Programmatic ESOH Evaluation) Required of all Programs Regardless of ACAT Requires PMs to Employ Modular Open Systems Approach to Designs Addresses PM Support of Mishap Accident Investigations Data Management Strategy Required to Assess Long-term Technical Data Needs of the System – Included in Acquisition Strategy (ACAT I & II Programs) Encl 12 includes SE policy previously directed by AT&L memos.
Systems Engineering Technical Reviews Program Initiation C A B IOC FOC Materiel Solution Analysis Engineering and Manufacturing Development Technology Development Production & Deployment Operations & Support Materiel Development Decision FRP Decision Review Post PDR A Post- CDR A ISR PCA ITR ASR SRR SFR PDR CDR PDR TRR SVR (FCA)/ PRR or TRA TRA Effective Technical Reviews are a critical part of the Technical Assessment process. For programs that start at Milestone B, and other programs that may experience significant design changes during the Technology Development phase, another series of technical reviews (SRR, SVR and PDR) may be required after Milestone B. In that case, the MDA will conduct a Post-PDR Assessment review and issue an ADM indicating the program is on track to meet EMD exit criteria and APB thresholds. IBRs, OTRR and AOTR: Not shown here, the Integrated Baseline Review (IBR) (essentially a business review), the Operational Test Readiness Review (OTRR) (a review conducted for the SAE to ensure readiness to proceed to operational testing), and the Assessment of Operational Test Readiness (AOTR) (a review conducted for designated ACAT ID and special interest program by OUSD(AT&L)/Systems and Software Engineering). These reviews also consider technical issues. The IBRs and OTRR are highlighted in draft Chapter 4 of the DAG. The AOTR requirement is in 5000.02. Initial Technical Review (ITR) Alternative Systems Review (ASR) Systems Requirements Review (SRR) System Functional Review (SFR) Preliminary Design Review (PDR) Critical Design Review (CDR) Post-PDR Assessment (Post-PDRA) Post-CDR Assessment (PCDRA) Test Readiness Review (TRR) System Verification Review (SVR) Functional Configuration Audit (FCA) Production Readiness Review (PDR) Operational Test Readiness Review (OTRR) Physical Configuration Audit (PCA) Technology Readiness Assessment (TRA) In-Service Review (ISR)
Systems Engineering: Increased Rigor & Leadership-level Attention Near-Term Actions Detailed Checklist Define the Systems Engineering Policy Difference Old vs. New DoD 5000 Team of Independent Engineers/Acquisition Analysts Apply Checklist to Every Program by June 5, 2009 Define all DoD 5000 Systems Engineering “Compliance Gaps” Results Provide Results to Joint Project Managers Position JPMs to Engage in “What Makes Sense” Discussion with JPEO Close Compliance Gaps Where Prudent Systems Engineering: Increased Rigor & Leadership-level Attention