Brielle Bowyer
Temporalmandibular Joint The articulation between the mandible and the temporal bone. Located just anterior to each ear.
A video tower Monitor VCR Color Printer Camera Light sourch Bipolar and Regular ESU Arthroscopic shaver control unit Fluid infusion system Suction
TMJ instrument set Small joint shaver Light Cord Camera 0, 30, and 70 degree lenses.
Basic pack Basin #11 blade suture Adhesive bandages Suction Head and neck drapes with fluid collection pouch. Gauze Sponges Assorted Syringes and 18 gauge needle Lactated Ringer’s solution.
Anesthesia General Oral or nasal intubation Position Supine Head turned to expose operative side. Arms tucked at sides to protect ulnar nerves. Prep Hair Removed or restrained. Skin Face, chin, and neck are prepped with mild antiseptic. Draping Bar drape and U-drapes
Time-out Irrigation solution is injected into the joint space to distend the capsule. Small stab wound incision is made. Trochar is inserted and arthroscope inserted. Irrigation is infused into the joint, which is then examined. If functional surgery is required, a second stab wound is made. Final visual inspection performed. Trochar cannulas are removed and excess fluid is removed. Wound is closed and dressing is placed. Procedure may be repeated on contralateral side. 2 Counts
Post-op care Range of motion of jaw may be limited. Extubation may be difficult. Suction and emergency airway supplies should be available. Application of ice may help prevent pain and swelling. Patient may be placed on a soft food, or liquid diet for several days post-op. Prognosis Good outcome is expected. Recurrence is possible if contributing behavior is not resolved. Complications Hemorrhage Infection recurrence