What is love like? Looking at 1 Cor: 13 4-8. 4 Love is patient, love is kind, and is not jealous; love does not brag and is not arrogant, 5 does not act.


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Presentation transcript:

What is love like? Looking at 1 Cor:

4 Love is patient, love is kind, and is not jealous; love does not brag and is not arrogant, 5 does not act unbecomingly; it does not seek its own, is not provoked, does not take into account a wrong suffered, 6 does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth; 7 bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. 8 Love never fails…

Love is patient Do I exude a forbearing spirit that enables me to listen and care for those around me? Love does not insist on its own schedule and time constraints. People, especially hurt people, can absorb much time. The patient person trusts God with his very limited time. Love also is able to rightly treat all sorts of people We tend to expect people to listen to us the way we are used to, but often this does not work out that way. The patient person trusts God for wisdom to kindly care for each person.

Love is kind Am I always nice and caring toward other people? Love is kind. We might think this needs not to be said but after a careful examination of what is done in the name of love, we are wise to measure love only with the measuring cup called kindness. If a person is not kind, he simply is not loving.

Love is not jealous Am I jealous of the attention others get? When jealousy erupts, it rules out the possibility of love. Some would say that love is jealous because it wants and desires another person. However, true love gives up their right to another person's attention. Love instead commits itself to bringing benefit to the other person.

Love does not brag Do I tell about my great accomplishments? Once a person brags, the object of discussion is seen as a utensil to be used. Bragging exalts oneself and looks down on others. Love requires a person to see good things in others and more often is silent when nothing quickly could be found.

Love is not arrogant Do I think better of myself than others? While bragging speaks of ones accomplishments, arrogance is found in the mind. Arrogance will shed its undesired fruit through glances, attitudes, comments, sleight of hand, and general treatment of others. Love prefers the respect of others over one’s own selfish desires.

Love does not act unbecomingly Do I act strangely to attract the attention of others? Unbecoming ways are ones in which they oddly attract attention to themselves. Odd or rude behavior attracts the notice of other people. Drawing attention to ourselves is the opposite to love where we would draw attention to the people in need. We focus on others.

Love does not seek its own Do I seek the things that I like more than the things others like? When we seek our own welfare, we upset our ability to love. Love is seeking the welfare of others. If we prefer ourselves, then we will give ourselves preferential treatment. We sometimes even lie, cheat, backbite, slander, etc. to serve our own needs.

Love is not provoked How do we respond to those who trouble us? True love is not easily shaken. Pretend love quickly changes its position. It is unable to live by principle when he lives for himself. We are in someway inconvenienced when provoked. Our pride is at least attacked. Love's determination is not changed.

Love does not take into account a wrong suffered Do I quickly forgive others and refuse bitterness? Love does not get bitter. Wounded, hurt and mistreated it might be, but love will always forgive. She does not store up memories of wrong or plan for revenge. Love wipes the account of wrongs each day to enable her to keep caring for the needs of others.

Love does not rejoice in unrighteousness Do I delight in virtual sensuality or violence? Whether we or others engage in evil behavior, those with a true loving heart will never rejoice. We see delight in the evil behavior of others. They think they are innocent because of it, but virtual delight in evil is association with it. Love is not present in those places.

Love rejoices with the truth Do I like applause and try to impress people or welcome the truth? Love might be humbled by the truth but it still finds its deepest allegiance is for the truth. Love is not preferential to a person so that it will thwart the truth. Love's companion is truth where the light shines brightly and lies and unfaithfulness are broken apart.

Love… Bears… Believes… Hopes… Endures… ….Never fails!