How many different types of roads do you know? Where can we see them? Do you know what we call the following roads in English?
path/lane Lanes or paths are very small roads.
motorways (Britain) freeways/expressways (America) Freeways/expressways/motorways are roads where cars can go very fast.
flyovers Flyovers are roads that go over other roads.
Spaghetti junction Spaghetti junction is made up of many intersections and flyovers, which looks like strings of spaghetti.
toll roads Toll roads are roads where people need to pay to use the roads.
underpass Underpasses are roads that go through a tunnel.
street Streets are roads with sidewalks in a city or town.
avenue Avenues are wide roads lined with trees on each side.
Read the article in Part A, then work in pairs to ask/answer questions about different types of roads. e.g. What kinds of roads are called flyovers?
Think of as many tools of transport as you can belonging to the following three categories.
Transport Land.. Air.. Sea. underground/subway/metro motorbike, bicycle, train, car, minibus, taxi, coach, bus airplane helicopter ship ferry motorboat light railway
What different ways of transport have you experienced?
1.Who has ever travelled by light railway or by underground? What was it like? What do you think of travelling by light railway or by underground?
2. What do you think about travelling by coach, by airplane or helicopter, or by ferry or motorboat? Have you ever tried these ways of transport?
3. If you are going to Shanghai, what means of transport would you use to go there? Why? 4. If you are going to London, what means of transport would you use to go there? And why?
Read and complete the passage in Part C. Answers: 1._________ 2. _________ 3. _________ 4. ________ 5. _________ 6. ___________ 7. ________ 8. _________ motorways paths flyovers land sea airairplane ships
Answer the following questions by using the the words or phrases listed in Part D. 1. What must you do before you go somewhere by train? Book a seat or a ticket. 2. Where will you go to buy the train ticket? To the ticket office.
3. What ticket can help a student save money? A student ticket. 4. What do we call the person who is travel ling on a train? A passenger.
5. What do we call the person who sells bus tickets? A conductor. 6. If you want to travel to a foreign country, what must you have? A passport.
Put the words in Part D in the box into the correct categories. Actions DocumentsJobs get offreturn ticketconductor book a seat /ticket one-way ticket captain
Actions DocumentsPeople/jobs board land student ticket passport pilot customs officer