Age-Related Macular Degeneration Treatment Robert Thottam
Macular Degeneration Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD) ▫Eye condition resulting in loss of vision ▫Primarily effects those over the age of 50 ▫Most prevalent in Caucasians ▫Risk of disease for those with effected family member
Macular Degeneration
Types of AMD WetDry
Potential Methods of Treatment Stem cells Chemically induced cell differentiation Artificial retinal implant Retinal cell transplant Laser treatment
Wet Laser Treatment Laser Coagulation Thermal Laser Medication ▫Lucentis 2008, 4 weeks ▫Avastin ▫Eyelea 2011, 8 weeks
Dry Laser Treatment Retinal Pigment Epithelium (RPE) stimulation Triggers the release of enzymes Specifically those in Bruch’s membrane Provides energy and waste removal for photoreceptors
Ellex 2RT ™ Treatment Non-thermal laser Q-switched green YAG laser (3 nanosecond pulses of 532 nm light energy) One time procedure Trial stages UK and Australia Increase in visual function and decrease in Drusen, no evidence of laser damage Diabetic Retinopathy
Work Cited Treatments for Wet Macular Degeneration. Macular degeneration. Retinal Rejuvenation. Macular Degeneration (AMD). CNIB- Initial clinical results.... Macular Degeneration Treatment. Can Ellex’s 2RT Nanosecond Laser…. Prevalence and Incidence of Age-related macular degeneration.