Presented by Eroika Jeniffer
What are we going to learn? - the use of chat in classroom - the most likely application on chat. And many more….. So, stay awake!!!
TText Chat Communication between chat users takes place via typed text. The user types their message into the chat program, sends it, and it instantly appears on the screen(s) of the other user(s).
Audio or voice chat Communication between chat users takes place via audio, much like a phone conversation, but is conducted on the internet. However, for learners need to have a microphone and speakers and/or hear phones. Example: Skype
Public chat Typically, in a public chat room users do not know each other, although regular users of a specific chat room will get to know each other over time, and users may decide to use an alias instead of their real name. Example: Yahoo! Chat (
Private chat This requires the installation of a client program, which connect individual users over internet. Private text chat is also known as instant messaging. Example: Yahoo! Messenger, MSN, Google Talk, etc.
1.Free topic chats Here, there is no topic or agenda set for the chat, and no specific moderator role. 2. Collaborative, task-oriented-chats With this, learners meet via chat out of class to complete a real task, such as preparing a PowerPoint presentation which they will present to peers in the classroom.
3. Informative and academic chats This kind of chat disseminates information. Example: a learner or teacher gives a presentation on a topic via chat. This is then followed by a question and answer stage. 4. Practice chats These chats will practice a specific function or form of language, or specific skill or strategy, and will probably take place out of class time.
A teacher who meet face-to-face on regular basis will probably want to ask the following questions: 1. Does using text or voice chat with learners improve their English?
Answer: There has been some research into how using tools such as synchronous text chat can improve learners’ language abilities. Studies to date seem to point to text chat providing opportunities for negotiating meaning, seen as key to language acquisition by many linguists. BUT, it has also been noted that online chat, especially text chat, does not follow the same rules of interaction as face-to- face conversation.
2. What kind of English should learners use in chat? Answer: We would recommend that students generally use standard written English conversations in text chat and . They are more likely to be interacting with other non- native speakers and writers, and abbreviated forms can be confusing.
3. What technical skills do teachers and learners need to be able to use chat? Answer: No special technical skills are needed. BUT, one skill area that can put learners at a disadvantage in text chat in their typing ability.
4. What benefits does the use of chat bring to the classroom? Answer: Using chat in the classroom – whether text or voice chat – can be hugely motivating to learners. By using chat with learners, the teacher is bringing current techonolgy into language learning process.
5. Is it better to use text or voice chat with learners? Answer: Text Chat Voice Chat Advantages-Learners may already use text chat at home -Bring current technology into the classroom -Use of a new tool can be motiva- ting for learners -Enables learners to make contact with learners in other countries - A low tech option -Non-threatening & easy to learn to use -Chat transcript can be used later for language analysis -Learners may already use voice chat at home -Brings current technology into the classroom -Use of a new tool can be moti- vating for learners -Enables learners to make contact with learners in other countries -‘Real’ oral practice of language - Voice chat software incresing- ly easy to download and use
Text Chat Voice Chat Disadvantages-Text chat can be chaotic (overlapping turns, disjointed, topic decay) -Unclear whether text chat really improves learners’ English -Do we need to teach “chat speak’? -Can be difficult to indentify errors vs. typos vs. non- standard ‘chat speak’ -Weaker typists are put at a dis- advantages -Suitable for very small groups only -Reliable broadband internet connection needed -Recording a chat may be complex and require other software
Step 1 – install and learn to use the software Download and install a popular instant messaging program which includes both text and voice chat facilities (e.g. Yahoo! Messenger) to your school computers.
Step 2 – A practice chat class Find out if any of your learners use chat, also find out how many of your learners are familiar with common instant messaging programs such as MSN, Yahoo! Messenger, etc. Once you have established how much chat experience and expertise you already have in the class, run a ‘practice’ chat session with your learners on the computer, preferably in pairs, with less experienced chat users paired with more experienced chat users
Step 3 – Contact with another class The potential of chat for linking groups of learners who are far apart, in real time, is vast. How can a teacher go about setting up such a project? Through an international teachers’ network make contact with teachers who would like to link up their classes via chat, and together decide on a time to chat.
Happy Chatting!!! Thank You