Angel Investing Glen Caplan | July 10, 2008
2 “Starting companies are like having babies - fun to conceive but hell to deliver.” - Anonymous
3 Sources of Capital Dilutive Self Funding (Bootstrapping) Angel Investors Venture Capitalists Corporate Investment (Strategic Investment) Non-Dilutive Grants, SBIR’s NIH, STTR’s, loans, etc.
4 What do VC and Angel Investors Want? Venture Capitalists 10X return on initial investment in 3-5 years Angel Groups 5X-10X in 3-5 years… Some similarities to VC’s in investment return expectations Individual Angel Investors Make money… less requirement on multiples…positive returns are great!!!
5 Who are Angel Investors? Individuals Other Successful Entrepreneurs Organized Groups One signature for all dealings Better preparation for institutional rounds
6 Characteristics of Angel Investors High Net Worth Individuals High Risk Appetite Early Stage Preference Individuals - $25,000 - $50,000 Organized Groups - $100,000 - $500,000 Endangered species?
7 Pros/Cons of Angel Investors PROS Terms offered by Company Speed Less sophisticated on terms and value Simpler investor relations CONS Follow-on investment Less “Value Added” Less sophisticated on terms and value Issues for VC’s
8 The Life Cycle of a Venture Deal 100 Ecstasy -100 Agony Fun Scale 0 9 to 12 months Business Plan Rejections Due Diligence They like the idea Interest Shown Term Sheet The Negotiated Deal Last Minute Demands/ Expectation Mismatch All Reject Reformulate Plan
9 Types of Fundraising Common Stock Rarely Used Preferred Stock Provides special rights, preferences and privileges to investors Convertible Promissory Note Converts at a discount at financing
10 4 Principles of Term Sheets Valuation Pre-Money Valuation Option Pool Exit Strategy Liquidation Preference Registration Rights Down-Side Protection Anti-Dilution Protection Control Protective Provisions
11 Disclosure Notebook Risk Factors Term Sheet Use of Proceeds Business Plan and Financial Projections Financial Statements Capitalization Chart QBV Disclosure Certificate of Incorporation Bylaws Subscription Agreement Stockholders Agreement
12 Securities Law Issues Rule 504 Raise up to $1 million Unlimited number of investors No required level of investor sophistication or wealth No formal disclosure documents – but antifraud provisions apply One year time period and then a 6 month quiet period No general solicitation or advertising Typically used for friends and family Rule 506 Unlimited dollar amount Accredited investors only No general solicitation or advertising No formal disclosure documents – but antifraud provisions apply FORM D Filed with SEC within 15 days of first sale
13 Accredited Investors Individual net worth or net worth with spouse of at least $1 million Individual income in excess of $200,000 in each of the 2 most recent years or joint income with spouse in excess of $300,000 in each of those years and reasonable expectation of reaching the same income level in the year in which the purchase is made Director or Executive Officer of the Company Corporation or partnership with assets in excess of $5 million
14 North Carolina Qualified Business Tax Credit Available to passive investors with North Carolina income A credit not a deduction on your income tax return 25% of the amount of invested Available in the year after the year in which the investment was made A $7 million aggregate limitation per year Must register with the North Carolina Secretary of State’s office Must have $5 million or less in income Must have reviewed or audited financial statements submitted to the Secretary of State each year Certain disqualified industries – professional services, construction, retail, real estate, entertainment, recreation Must be engaged primarily in manufacturing, processing, warehousing, wholesaling, research and development, service-related industry
15 Angel Investment Groups Wilmington Investor Network Wilmington, NC Piedmont Entrepreneurs Network Greensboro, NC Inception Micro Angel Fund Winston-Salem, NC Charlotte, NC Charleston Angel Partners Charleston, SC Avansis Ventures Reston, VA New Vantage Group Vienna, VA Emergent Growth Fund II Gainesville, FL Startup Florida Sarasota, FL New World Angels Boca Raton, FL Springboard Capital Jacksonville, FL Savannah Angel Partners Savannah, GA
16 Angel Investment Groups (Continued) Atlanta Technology Angels Atlanta, GA Seraph Group Atlanta, GA Nashville Capital Network Nashville, TN Angel Capital Association g
17 … and then what? “Only one thing is certain about a new venture: It’s going to turn out very different from its business plan.” - William Congolton, Venture Capitalist
18 Hutchison Law Group 5410 Trinity Road Suite 400 Raleigh, NC Tel: Fax: Driven by Our Clients’ Success SM A