Culture day
Vámonos What is your favorite food? What is one food tradition that you know of in America? *You may answer in English, and you need at least 3 complete sentences*
Anuncios ● Test grades on infinite campus ● Duolingo due February 27th
Nuestra Objectivo Vamos a hablar de la comida We are going to talk about food. Today is an introduction to our new unit, so we are going to look at a few different cultures/traditions surrounding food in Spanish speaking countries!
Today’s lesson Anytime you see stars like this ****, it means the topic will be on the culture section of the test Make sure to answer the numbered questions on your paper!
Vocabulary El desayuno breakfast El almuerzo lunch La cena dinner La merienda snack
Before we begin … 1. What are three different foods from other countries that you have tried? What did you like/dislike about them? Write in complete sentences!
Tapas ** Tapas are a wide variety of appetizers, or snacks, in Spanish cuisine. **appetizerssnacksSpanish cuisine They may be cold (such as mixed olives and cheese) or hot (such as chopitos, which are battered, fried baby squid). In select bars in Spain, tapas have evolved into an entire, and sometimes sophisticated, cuisine. In Spain, patrons of tapas can order many different tapas and combine them to make a full meal.olivescheesebatteredfriedsquidpatrons
Tapas The serving of tapas is designed to encourage conversation, because people are not so focused upon eating an entire meal that is set before them. Also, in some countries it is customary for diners to stand and move about while eating tapas.
Tapas 2. If tapas were an American tradition, what types of food would we serve? Why?
Tortilla Mexico:
Tortilla Spain:
Tortilla 3. What is a word (a food word if you can think of one!) that has two meanings in English? What are the two meanings?
Spanish meals ** La comida, the large midday meal in Spain has several courses. ** Menus are organized according to these courses and usually include 5 or 6 choices in each course. At home, traditionally Spaniards would not eat “fancy” dishes on daily basis, but would still enjoy a soup or pasta dish, salad, a meat and/or a fish dish and a dessert, such as fruit and/or cheese. It is very common to eat a simple green salad with the meat or fish courses.
Spanish lunch 4. Would you like to eat lunch in America the way they do in Spain? What would be two advantages of this custom? Two disadvantages?
Spanish breakfast ** In Spain, breakfast is the smallest meal of the day ** A typical breakfast might include café con leche - strong coffee with hot, frothy milk, bollos(sweet rolls) with jam, toast with jam or mild cheese, or simply "Maria" crackers dunked in hot milk. Some families buy sweet and lemony magdalenas from the neighborhood bakery, but it is now very common (and more economical) to buy bags of these petite, fluffy, cupcake-like cakes in the supermarkets.café con lechemagdalenas
Spanish breakfast Generally, breakfast in Spain is eaten at home, before dashing off to work or school. However, you may see some workers duck into the closest cafeteria at around 10:00am to enjoy a quick mid-morning "coffee break."
Food pyramid- America
Food pyramid- Spain
Food pyramid 5. What are three similarities and differences you saw in the two food pyramids? What surprised you about either food pyramid?
Working together With the person sitting next to you, make a list of your 10 favorite foods. Then, grab a dictionary and look up how to translate them into Spanish! When you are done, raise your hand and I will stamp you for classwork.
Research 1.Paella 2.Empanadas 3.Gazpacho 4.Choripán 5.Spanish tortilla 6.Bandeja Paisa Use your phones or the computers and work in groups of 2 – 4. You need to research one these foods and give me the following information: 1.In which countries they are served 2.What is in them 3.How they are prepared 4.At what time of day they are served 5.A history of the food 6.At least five other facts you find about it ** To get exit ticket credit: Share with me!