Environmental Investigators Lonnie Gilley Robin Pugh
Photo Ionization Detector (PID) Readings in ppm Can detect a wide variety of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs); however, it cannot detect all VOCs Can be used to monitor atmosphere and screen soils for contamination from VOCs MiniRae 3000
4 specific sensors monitor LEL, O2, CO, and H2S Can be used to monitor normal atmosphere and subsurface utility manways to determine if they are impacted Other sensor options capability QRae & QRae II
Photo Ionization Detector (PID) 4 specific sensors monitor LEL, O2, CO, and H2S Can log data Can be used to monitor remotely Multiple monitors from multiple agencies may be used together to create one set of monitoring data from multiple locations, as well as, plume modeling capability AreaRae
Flame ionization device Detects “total hydrocarbons” Including methane and ethane Toxic Vapor Analyzer (TVA)
“See” volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions Can be used to locate source of an emission or plume Cannot quantify or qualify Steam dissipates, VOC’s linger Optical Gas Imaging Camera (OGIC)
Can identify compounds Compare to Air Monitoring Comparison Values (AMCV’s), but with limitations “Snapshot in time” Summa Canister
Monitors levels of particulate matter PM 10 PM 2.5 Logs over time Download to computer DataRAM
Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) analyzer Detects down to parts per billion Jerome
Measures Dissolved Oxygen Conductivity pH Temperature Hydrolab
Gieger Counter Radiological Survey Meter
Equipment Summary Monitoring Device TVAJeromeMiniRAEAreaRAEVRAEQRAE/QRAE II Summa Canister IR GEM 2000 Geiger Counter CH 4 X XX Cl 2 XX CO XX CO 2 X X H2SH2S X XXX HCN XX LEL X X X NH 3 XX NO XX NO 2 XX O2O2 XXX X Radiation X SO 2 XX VOCs X XX XX
Thank you! Questions? Lonnie Gilley Environmental Investigator TCEQ DFW Region Office Robin Pugh Environmental Investigator TCEQ DFW Region Office