Do Now Read the quote by Livy and answer the question.


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Presentation transcript:

Do Now Read the quote by Livy and answer the question. “Not without reason did gods and men choose this spot for the site of our city – the hills, the river to bring us produce from the inland regions and sea-borne commerce from abroad, the sea itself, near enough for convenience yet not so near as to bring danger from foreign fleets, our situation at the very heart of Italy- all these advantages make it of all places in the world the best for a city destined to grow great.” According to Livy, what advantages does Rome have to grow great?

Geography and Religion Ancient Rome Geography and Religion

Rome- Home of Gladiators

Don’t You LOVE Geography? Where is this place? Located in center of Italian peninsula (distant from Eastern Mediterranean powers.) Protected by Alps in north and Mediterranean Sea to the west, east, and south. Mediterranean provides protection and sea-borne commerce. The Apennine Mountains run down center of Italy like a backbone.

More Geography… Good landscape = growing population. Good harbors, fertile fields, river valleys, and mild climate supported agriculture and trading. Rome grew along Tiber River and became a strong city-state between 800 – 700 BC. Rome influences all of Mediterranean region because of its location.

The Founding of Rome How Rome Came to Be - The story of Romulus and Remus.

Mythology and Religion Religiously, Rome is much like Greece. Polytheistic Roman gods developed from Etruscan and Greek gods. Etruscans briefly ruled Rome and it was thought they could read the future by watching the birds. Eventually, Romans also adopted some Greek Gods.

More Mythology Feasts and festivals to honor the gods Temples also built. Government even worshipped gods and practiced rituals.

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Greek God Roman God Power Ares Zeus Hera Aphrodite Artemis Athena Roman Gods to Know Take a few minutes to fill in this chart and research what the Roman God equivalent is for each of the Greek Gods and list their power. Greek God Roman God Power Ares Zeus Hera Aphrodite Artemis Athena Hestia Hades Hermes Poseidon

Greek God Roman God Power Ares Mars God of War Zeus Jupiter Roman Gods to Know Take a few minutes to fill in this chart and research what the Roman God equivalent is for each of the Greek Gods and list their power. Greek God Roman God Power Ares Mars God of War Zeus Jupiter King of Gods Hera Juno Marriage Aphrodite Venus Love and Beauty Artemis Diana Ag. and Hunting Athena Minerva Wisdom Hestia Vesta Hearth and Home Hades Pluto Underworld Hermes Mercury Messenger God Poseidon Neptune God of the Sea

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