Active Listening
Listening Listening is the process of receiving, interpreting, and reacting to a message received from a speaker
Active Listening You listen with your mind, heart, and imagination Hearing and Listening are not the same. Hearing is a physical act. Listening is a cognitive act. We speak @ 125-130 wpm, but listen and comprehend @ 600 wpm (almost 4 times faster)
Effective Listening Effective listening involves Listening for full meaning without making premature judgments or interpretations Total concentration Summing up and integration
Passive Listening Passive listening is equivalent to hearing. Passive listeners do not react to the message exhibit either verbal or non-verbal responses participate actively in the communication process
Active versus Passive Listening Cognitive Comprehension Paraphrasing Asking questions Exhibit non-verbal responses Active listening Passive listening Need not necessarily comprehend/paraphrase No questions No non-verbal signals
Process of Listening Hearing/ Sensing Decoding Comprehending Recalling Responding
Types There are various types of listening: Appreciative: for pleasure, enjoyment Empathetic: to provide emotional support Comprehensive: to understand the message Critical to evaluate for accepting or rejecting
Purposes The purpose of listening is to generate ideas inform question and test assumptions as well as evidence Inspire Improve our communication
Requirements Empathy Acceptance Effective Active Listening Intensity Willingness to take Responsibility
Barriers The following are barriers to effective listening: Thinking speed Prejudices against the speaker Premature evaluation Speaker’s delivery style External distractions Inappropriate/difficulty language
Strategies Make eye contact Exhibit affirmative nods and appropriate facial expressions Avoid distracting actions or gestures Ask questions Paraphrase (extract main points) Avoid interrupting The following are strategies to effective listening:
Strategies (…contd) Make smooth transitions between roles of speaker and listener Avoid prejudgment Watch for signals Make notes
Benefits/Advantages Effective listening techniques help in Obtaining useful information (to make accurate decision) Enabling the speaker to get feedback Enhancing the effectiveness of communication Increasing accuracy Understanding others REPLAY