Creating a Roaring Twenties Magazine Using the Newsletter Template in Microsoft Publisehr
Bay City Schools Tutorial Microsoft Publisher Tutorial
Let’s Begin Creating Your Magazine Open Up the Publisher Icon on the Desktop or go to “Programs”, Microsoft Publisher
Open Publisher
Select Newsletter
Example of Newsletter Template
Use the Wizard
Select Color Scheme
Select Number of Columns
When Finished with Wizard, Click on Area of Newsletter You Wish to Change
Customize Your Magazine
Text Box Feature You can create a text box and paste text from a WORD document. When you PASTE the text, Publisher will automatically place it into columns.
Library Web Site for Research
Resources Frances Hart Ewers Library Connecticut Digital Library East Lyme High School Resource Center
Digital Libraries The Library of Congress—American MemoriesThe Library of Congress—American Memories Librarian’s Internet Index Internet Public Library The Digital Librarian
Favorites Stories of the Century Historical Atlas of the 20 th CenturyHistorical Atlas of the 20 th Century The History Channel Year by Year American Cultural History
Prepare a picture or image for insertion Go to Images or The Librarian’s Internet IndexGoogle.comLibrarian’s Internet Index Try American Memories for historical images.American Memories Copy and paste the image or, if you would like to save it Right click on image, select “Save Picture As”, name it, and select your U:drive as a place to save it Be sure to consider using the scanner or digital camera for images.
Insert a Picture Select Insert > Picture from File Click the Look In: Box and select the place where the picture is saved. (This could be your U drive.) Double click on the picture to insert it. Or Select Insert>Picture>Clip Art. Type a keyword in the “Search for Clips” box and Enter. Right click on selected picture and select Insert.
Use to create a Find “Subscription tools” and select NoodleBib 3.0 Select MLA preference style Begin bibliography by moving mouse over “Add Citation” and select the type of source Fill in the required fields Click “Create” button when finished Save your bibliography, then cut and paste it into your Publisher magazine.
Here is How You Can Convert Your Magazine to an Online Magazine on the Web
Click File > Create Web Site from Current Publication Convert to Web Site> Use Web Site Wizard to Automatically…> Ok This command converts your publication …..Yes Name your file (newsletter) and Select a location for saving it, such as your U: drive File> Web Page Preview Preview Web Site > OK To Save Newsletter as a Web Site
Convert to Web Site
Use Web Site to Automatically…OK
Click Yes
Web Page Preview
Web site … OK
You now have a web site. You need to save images and other text associated with the newsletter by: File>Save As Web Page > Name it (Publisher will automatically add a folder named Publish for example, C:\My Documents\Publish This is your web folder. You can create and name another or ‘umbrella’ folder to put this folder in it with the Home page files, the home page, and the Publisher files. You should give this folder a unique name All of the material in this ‘umbrella’ folder must be given to the Webmaster (home page, images, publisher files) Create a Folder for Your Web Site