Magazine Cover Project
For this project you will start with an existing magazine cover…
Then you will change it by: Inserting yourself into the image in place of the person who is currently there. Changing the text in at least one place on the magazine cover.
Here is how it looks after I put myself into the picture!
Or, you may start with a blank document… And create a magazine cover from scratch. If you decide to go this route, you will need: A background image At least 2 additional images Text A barcode image (you can find this in Google images) To mimic a well-known magazine and try to make it look like a real issue. In other words, do not create a fictional magazine.
Here is an example…
Digital Magazine Cover is: ✓ RGB mode ✓ 300 ppi ✓ 8x10 inches image area ✓.jpg file submitted to your folder on the :K drive ✓ File is named Project#(First Initial Last Name). For example Project1KMedak.jpg ✓ Original images are submitted in the images folder found inside the Project # folder in your folder on the :K drive ✓ Don’t forget to keep step-by-step log of what you did to the original image