Tier 2 Growth Fund Application Process A step by step guide on the application process relating to Tier 2 of the Growth Fund by-god/growth-fund/ 1
Introduction From 2013 to 2020 the Diocese of Leicester is looking to award grants with a focus on growing the Kingdom in three ways These are in increased numbers, deeper faith or loving acts of service The Parable of the Mustard Seed (Matthew Chp13. V31-32) demonstrates these three factors in a significant way. by-god/growth-fund/ 2
Application Process The Growth Fund Committee meets 4 times a year to consider Tier 2 Applications The standard size of application is £3,000 - £15,000 a year for up to 3 years with matched funding In very exceptional circumstances, larger grants up to £25,000 p.a. may be offered if no matched funding is available The first stage of the process is to speak to the Growth Fund Support Officer Luke Fogg, who will link you with a Critical Friend from the Committee The Critical Friend will be on hand to offer help and advice in the application process and will be somebody who will walk with your project for the lifetime of its application and possible successful funding by-god/growth-fund/ 3
Application Process contd. Having been linked with a Critical Friend, and read the covering note on our website, the next stage is to apply. The Application Form can be found on our website Here you will also find a worked example of an application as well as details of how to apply Whilst extra documents are appreciated, for simplicity the completed application must be self supporting by-god/growth-fund/ 4
5 The purple section covers who is applying and the main point of contact for any enquires from the Support Officer. Please make sure you fill in all sections of this, including bank details The summary should be no more than 500 words, outlining the main aims and ministries of the project. This area is where the project will get the best chance to be illustrated within the form, and should tie in a lot of the thinking that is informed throughout the rest of the document The second section on this page acts as a prompt to help ensure the right motivation and reasons for the project. To seek the correct calling for a project in relation to the 2020 vision is very important The third box is there to prompt you to think about how any ministry in this area could be achieved without central funding – it is not there to trip you up or catch you out! The start date should take into consideration the restrictions of the decision making process – please check the website for details of committee dates Application Form part 1
by-god/growth-fund/ 6 It is important that the project has the support of the leadership from within your organisation The budgetary section here should represent your intended income and expenditure within your project over the course of funding from the Growth Fund It is a good idea to support this section with an appendix further detailing breakdowns – for instance don’t just put “on costs” in the description and combine pension, NI and expenses in one line. It is advised that you taper the amount required from the Growth Fund so that the majority is used at the start of the project Budgetary comments allows for the figures to be illustrated and explained, giving space to answer questions that could arise and allow further transparency Application Form part 2
by-god/growth-fund/ 7 Other funds being released by the GF money is something that could add weight to an application, be that from other sources of funding, external organisations offering volunteer hours or resources on offer from local businesses How sustainable the project is past the lifetime of the grant is an important factor that should be fully thought through to ensure that there isn’t a funding gap. Not addressing this question appropriately will weaken the application. The submission of Annual PCC accounts is a legal requirement and something that is conditional of successful funding The response from the wider community to a project that engages them is a key sign of partnership in mission. Examples of things that would strengthen the application would be letters/ s of support from local stakeholders Attendance of one of the Transformational Workshops is a condition of successful funding, there are limited places for each workshop so please ensure the details for this section are correct. Application Form part 3
Please ensure that you confirm that there the PCC (or relevant body) has adopted the Diocesan Safeguarding policy as of May 2013, and who the Child Protection Co-ordinator is. Line management is an important point that must be done correctly and that employment law and good practice are followed. Attendance of Excellence in Working Relations is a requirement of successful funding The Safer Recruitment Process is a very important part of any project, and applies to the recruitment of both volunteers and employees. If you are unsure about this please ask. Previous applications to the Parish Mission Fund do not need be included, but details of any previous applications are needed The 3 areas of Growth are something that is very important to the application There are several examples within the Application Form the ways in which growth should be measured, and tangible ways of this are crucial What will be measured could determine what growth is seen, meaning that the aims of project here should be linked to and informed by the summary of the project, and vice versa This section is one that will be crucial to an application as much of what has already been said will hinge on this area by-god/growth-fund/ 8 Application Form contd.
Please see the employment pack for a wide range of guidance on employing staff, together with the note from the Assistant Diocesan Secretary detailing specific guidance. It is a condition of funding that employment law and good practice will be adhered to. An Excellence in Working relations Workshop is provided to all whose applications involve employment. Successful attendance and agreement to be supervised in the line management of the worker are conditional of successful funding. by-god/growth-fund/ 9 Application Form contd.
What you can expect That your application will be treated impartially and confidentially The Support Officer will be an available point of contact when required That the Growth Fund will invest in a project through offering the advice and time of a critical friend That any relevant training such as Excellence in Working Relations will be available to successful applicants That the attendance of the Transformational Index Workshop (more details available on the website) will be of benefit to your project by-god/growth-fund/ 10
The Next Step Apply! Contact the Support Officer Luke Fogg on or by-god/growth-fund/ 11