EL-AMIN LIFE PRODUCTIONS, “Cultural Institute” The New Earth Team Executive Director:Muntheru S.M. Shah With the name Allah, The Beneficent, The Most Merciful, Designed By SPACE Art Productions Studio
The El-Amin Purpose nBnBuild a Cultural Awareness Institute nEnEstablish Community Cultural Awareness Centers nPnProduce Cultural Development Presentations We will provide Trustworthy Leadership
Goal and Objective n Form Charitable Trust n Incorporate as a Non-Profit Organization n Open Commercial Bank Account n Obtain Tax Exempt Status n Assume Corporate Name n Produce Fund Raising Projects n Solicit Grant Donors n Select Building Site Location El-Amin Life Productions, “Cultural Institute” In service to humanity
Today’s Situation n Estimated Budget + $3,000, n Projected Payroll - $350, n Program Development - $100, n Site Construction - $1,000, n Scholarship Fund - $500, n Equipment/Supplies - $50, n Investments - $1,000, We live and give
How Do We Get there? n Draft Corporate Grant Proposals n Solicit Potential Program Sponsors n Accept Monetary Pledges n Receive Cash Contributions n Membership Dues and Fees * General Members $10.00 Monthly * Associate Members $25.00 Monthly * Honorary Members $ 1.00 Monthly * Charter Members $50.00 Monthly n Fund Raising Projects Give thanks and pray
Available Resource Options n City, State, and Federal Funding n Private Foundations n Corporate Grants n Fund Raising Benefits n Public Contributions n City, State, and Federal Funding n Private Foundations n Corporate Grants n Fund Raising Benefits n Public Contributions Where there’s a Will there is a way
Recommendation n Promote a Monthly Fund Raising Program of Professional Live Entertainment $10.00 Admission price with 300 persons in attendance with an estimated gross income of +$3, n Summarized Cost Projection With one live performance group, Sound System, Stage, lighting, and location -$1, n Production Expenses including Director’s wages Advertisement, and security -$ n Net Income Revenue +$1, Monthly Let’s make a POWER move
The Corporate Founders We are in a growth towards oneness
Board Of Directors The key to success is TEAM Work!
Organizational Structure Think BIG!
Revenue Resources The human being is our most valuable resource
Cultivating The Global Mind El-Amin Life Productions, “Cultural Institute”