Steffany Moonaz, PhD, RYT-500
The emerging evidence since 2011…
Uses protocol from Hopkins study Focuses on underserved urban minorities with arthritis Bilingual classes with African American and Hispanic teachers Study underway Qualitative and quantitative data analysis Pilot
Large sample (n=250) Active control (daily yoga therapy vs. therapeutic exercise) Knee OA Improvements in both groups for: ◦ Waking pain ◦ Knee disability ◦ Knee flexion ◦ Joint tenderness ◦ Swelling ◦ Crepitis ◦ Walk time
Small pilot OA Chair yoga and reiki Outcomes: pain, depressive mood, physical function Only finding was association between yoga and physical function
Indian publication- abstract only RA Pranayama, cleansing, meditation pain intensity, inflammation, stiffness, pulse rate, blood pressure, lymphocyte count, C- reactive protein and serum uric acid Claims RA severity improved with yoga, but does not indicate which measures
Pilot: 13 completed Gentle yoga for sleep disturbance in OA 8 weeks- weekly classes and daily home practice Sig: The Insomnia Severity Index, diary- reported sleep onset latency, sleep efficiency, nights with insomnia NS but Imp: Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, Epworth Sleepiness Scale, diary-reported total sleep time, wake after sleep onset, No change: Actigraphic sleep outcomes Supports feasibility and acceptability
70 RA patients 6 weeks Waitlist control Quantitative and qualitative measures Function, pain, mood, HRQL, qualitative interviews, BP, heart rate, medical exam, pro- inflammatory cytokines Study in progress
Scoping Review Systematic Review Meta-Analysis
Meta-analysis of 17 studies RA, OA, LBP, FM, kyphosis 12 reported to have good quality Improvement in functional outcomes for m/m LBP, FM (trend in kyphosis) Pain improved in RA, OA, m/s LBP Psychosocial imp in m/m LBP, OA Good quality studies showed moderate treatment effect for functional outcomes, pain
Meta-analysis of 16 controlled studies Back pain, headache, RA, other indications All positive outcomes Moderate effect size for pain and pain- related disability
Scoping Review Reviewed 9 clinical trials ( ) Yoga in RA and/or OA Study quality 2-6 (out of 8) ◦ Design ◦ Sample size ◦ Intervention ◦ Data analysis Evidence strongest for symptoms, disability, self-efficacy, mental health