Neck Pain & Lower Back Pain Neck pain & lower back pain is today's common problem because of the IT culture. Yoga helps in releasing the stress from the.


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Presentation transcript:

Neck Pain & Lower Back Pain Neck pain & lower back pain is today's common problem because of the IT culture. Yoga helps in releasing the stress from the neck muscles and lower back. Asanas help to correct the wrong postures developed due to long working hours.

Neck Pain & Lower Back Pain Tadasana Urdhva Hastasana Interlocked Fingers Tadasana

Neck Pain & Lower Back Pain Neck curvature with roll.

Neck Pain & Lower Back Pain Bharadvajasana / Marichyasana

Neck Pain & Lower Back Pain Trikonasana Parshvakonasana

Neck Pain & Lower Back Pain Virabhadrasana Ardha Chandrasana

Neck Pain & Lower Back Pain Supta Padangushtasana

Neck Pain & Lower Back Pain Adhomukha Shvanasana / Ardha Uttanasana

Neck Pain & Lower Back Pain Bent Leg Shavasana

Power recovery from stiffness on work desk in office Due to long working hours in one place on the desk, body gets stiff. Stiffness leads to various ailments such as Cervical Spondylitis & various lower back problems. Quick Asanas will help to avoid stiffness and feel refreshed in 10 min without even getting off the chair.

Power recovery from stiffness on work desk in office Interlocked fingers extension to release stiffness from fingers, wrist, elbow and shoulder joints. Helps extend the spine & helps correct posture.

Power recovery from stiffness on work desk in office Release stiffness from neck muscles sitting on the chair.

Power recovery from stiffness on work desk in office Twisting releases the stiffness and pain in the spine, from the neck to lower back.

Power recovery from stiffness on work desk in office Sitting in this position helps release stiffness from ankle, knee and hip joint.

Power recovery from stiffness on work desk in office Bending forward helps to release the lower back muscles and the head suspended position helps recover from mental fatigue.