1 Veterans’ Program Services in the One-Stop Environment Veterans’ Program Regional Training Summer Sessions PY2010
2 Training Objectives These are our objectives: Awareness of the Veterans’ Program Mission Comprehension of Veterans’ Staff Roles & Responsibilities Understanding of the Priority of Veteran Services Understanding the Importance of Intensive Services Case Management Tools in EFM Awareness of USDOL/VETS Expectations Understanding of State Strategies for Success Awareness of Additional Veteran Programs Awareness of the State’s Areas of concern
3 Florida’s Veterans Program Mission The mission of the Agency for Workforce Innovation’s (AWI) Veterans’ Program: To promote and maximize the employment of Florida's veterans, especially veterans with barriers to employment, utilizing the complete menu of One-Stop Career Center resources.
4 USDOL/VETS Overview & Concerns The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL), Veterans' Employment and Training Service (VETS) offers employment and training services to eligible veterans through a non- competitive Jobs for Veterans State Grants Program. DOL/VETS offers competitive grants ( DOL/VETS offers competitive grants ( HVRP & VWIP) Reporting, Desk Audit Tool, and Technical Assistance Visit overview
5 State’s Areas of Concerns Focus for the State Veterans’ Program: Reducing services to non-veterans Follow-up on referrals and Job Developments contacts Case management to veterans with barriers to employment employment Contacting self-registered veterans Verifying registrations Direct placement requirements by RWB Your feedback
6 DVOP Roles and Responsibilities Disabled Veterans Outreach (DVOP) staff focus on providing intensive services to veterans with priority to Special Disabled, Disabled veterans and other eligible veterans. DVOP staff will facilitate services to veterans with barriers to employment and with special workforce needs, through case management.
7 DVOP Roles and Responsibilities DVOP activities and services include: Assessment Counseling Referral of veterans to supportive services Referral of veterans to job-focused and outcome-driven training, certification, etc. Job development services and employer visits Job Referrals Maintain up-to-date Network Guide Outreach
8 DVOP Roles and Responsibilities DVOP staff will conduct outreach to locate veterans with special needs at the following organizations and/or activities: Vet Centers, VA Medical Centers and Outpatient Clinics Satellite offices HVRP Projects: Tampa, Cocoa Beach and Tallahassee Homeless Shelters Community based and civic organizations Veterans' Service Organizations Veteran Service Officers (VSO) offices
9 DVOP Roles and Responsibilities Outreach (con’t): Workforce Partners and Service Providers Veterans’ Affairs Educational Coordinators Faith-Based Organizations Reserve and National Guard units Venues and locations where veterans congregate Universities, Colleges and Community Colleges to solicit VA Work-Study Assistants
10 LVER Roles and Responsibilities Local Veterans Employment Representatives (LVERs) will ensure that veterans are provided the full range of priority workforce services in the One-Stop Career Center, providing functional oversight over the Veteran's Program. LVERs also serve as advocates for employment and training opportunities with businesses, industries and community organizations.
11 LVER Roles and Responsibilities LVER activities and services include: Conduct Job Search Workshops Provide job development and job referrals Provide career and vocational guidance Provide Labor Market Information (LMI) Refer veterans to supportive or remedial services Provide intensive services to newly/recently separated veterans veterans
12 LVER Roles and Responsibilities LVER activities and services include (con’t): Conduct TAP workshops Conduct Veterans' Program training for all One-Stop Career Center associates Career Center associates Develop and maintain updated (quarterly) Federal Contractor List Contractor List Refer veterans to job-focused and outcome-driven training, certification, etc. certification, etc.
13 LVER Roles and Responsibilities LVER Advocacy Role for Veterans: Plan, conduct and participate in Job Fairs for veterans Contact Unions, Apprenticeship Programs, Chambers of Commerce, Economic Development Units, etc. Contact employers to develop employment opportunities for veterans Coordinate with and participate in Business Services Sections outreach within the One-Stop Career Center
14 LVER Roles and Responsibilities LVER Advocacy Role for Veterans: Facilitate and participate in Employer Mass Recruitments for new and expanding firms Facilitate and maintain Employer Recruiting Agreements Conduct presentations on Florida’s Veterans' Program and services to veterans at the RWB board meetings Contact Reserve and National Guard Units Contact other venues and organizations providing services to veterans.
15 DVOP/LVER staff Training Required Training: Required Training: All DVOP and LVER staff will take the required courses at National Veterans’ Training Institute (NVTI) within three years of their initial appointment. Selection is based on date of hire, in most cases. Courses offered: Orientation to Veteran Services (on-line) *** Veterans’ Benefits Online (voluntary enrollment) Labor & Employment Specialist (LES) required for all staff Case Management (CM) required for DVOPs Transition Assistance Program (TAP) (for staff designated to facilitate TAP classes) required for TAP facilitators Promoting Partnerships for Employment (PPE) required for LVERs *** Prerequisite to LES
16 Priority of service changes, effective January 19, 2009, requires: Identifying and informing Covered Persons Implementing Priority of Service Responsibilities of states and localities (One-Stop’s) Monitoring compliance with Priority of Service Data collection and reporting on Priority of Service Program Reminder
17 Florida’s eligible veterans and eligible persons are to be notified of programs and/or services available at the point of entry. Points of Entry include; Physical locations, such as One-Stop Career Centers Web sites Career/Jobs Fairs Mass Recruitments Priority of Service Identifying and Informing Covered Persons
18 Priority of Service Service Delivery Point of Service Entry using EMF: 75% of veterans have self-registered in EFM versus receiving staff-assisted registrations at the One-Stop
19 Florida uses the Employ Florida Marketplace (EFM) as the employment service delivery system. EFM’s features include: Identifying all self-registered veterans and eligible spouses, which includes Unemployment Insurance (UC) Migration. A messaging system: Direct communication with veterans, providing information on job alerts, job fair and veterans related information. Virtual Recruiter: A search agent that automatically reviews job postings and notifies the client of jobs that match their skills Priority of Service Service Delivery
20 Priority of Service Service Delivery
21 Employ Florida Market Place (EFM): Newly registering veterans and eligible spouses are presented with a new “Veteran Priority of Service” button option, so that they may receive information concerning their entitlements. Priority of Service Service Delivery
22 Priority of Service Service Delivery
23 When clicked, the Florida Veteran Priority of Service page will be displayed. The same information is located on EFM Veteran Service page. EFM Service code 089: Notification of Veteran Priority of Service is added to the service plan after a veteran self- registers. EFM Service code 189: Notification of Veteran Priority of Service, is to be added when a staff assisted service is provided to veterans and eligible spouses. Priority of Service Service Delivery
24 Regional Workforce Boards have been notified of the Priority of Service button and associated service codes in the EFM system. All One-Stop staff have been trained on these additions For monitoring proposes: The Priority of Service codes 089 and189 will be reviewed during State monitoring and VETS Technical Assistance visits. Priority of Service Monitoring
25 State Negotiated PY Performance Measurement Targets DVOP Disabled Veterans EER55% Disabled Veterans ERR78% LVER Recently Separated Veterans EER60% Recently Separated Veterans ERR79% DVOP/LVER Consolidated Veteran EER-Weighted60% Veteran ERR78% Veterans’ Average Earnings (AE)$14,298 Performance Targets for One-Stop Services for Veterans Veterans Entered Employment Rate (EER)57% Veterans Employment Retention Rate (ERR)78% Veterans Average Earning (AE)$13,500 Disabled Veterans EER53% Disabled Veterans ERR79% Disabled Veterans AE$14,781
26 Weighting: Assures that special consideration is given to veterans requiring intensive services. The difference between the un-weighted Entered Employment Rate (EER) and the weighted EER reflects the proportion that veterans who entered employment after receiving intensive services represent among all veterans who entered employment. VPL Wtd-EER Calculation - Tool Performance Measurements
27 Intensive of Services All veterans who are pursuing employment will be registered in Employ Florida Marketplace (EFM) system. Veterans with barriers to employment will be provided with the necessary initial assessment and the required documented intensive services in addition to case management where needed. “Note” Case Management can be established in the EFM. Assessments and Individual Employment Plans (IEP) can be created in EFM.
28 Case Management Services The EFM Case Management Tools Presentation is provided in the companion training PowerPoint entitled IEP Training – Vets.
29 Strategies for Success Educate staff/partners (One-Stop Career Center associates, managers, LVERs, DVOPs, etc.) managers, LVERs, DVOPs, etc.) Stay current on veteran related programs; local, state and national national Ensure staff have access to job tools: updated computer equipment, Internet, , training, etc. equipment, Internet, , training, etc. Effective marketing: planned and coordinated employer visits benefits One-Stops as well as veterans visits benefits One-Stops as well as veterans Marketing One-Stops to veterans: serving employed as well as unemployed veterans as unemployed veterans DVOP/LVER staff coordinate and effectively communicate with RWB One-Stop Center managers on veterans’ issues with RWB One-Stop Center managers on veterans’ issues
30 Strategies for Success Marketing plans raise awareness among employers about veterans as well as One-Stop Career Center services. Examples include, but not limited to: Job/Career fairs Employer visits Media outlets (coordinate with RWB management) Community groups, Military organizations and service organizations
31 Strategies for Success Follow-up ! Follow-up !! Follow-up !!! Follow-up ! Follow-up !! Follow-up !!!
32 Additional Veteran Programs Homeless Veterans’ Reintegration Program (HVRP) Veterans’ Workforce Investment Program (VWIP) Military Family Employment Advocacy (MFEA) program VA Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment (VR&E) program Transitioning Incarcerated Veterans’ Program (TIVP) REALifelines VA work study program Transition Assistance Program (TAP)
33 Additional Veteran Programs Five VR&E locations in Florida: Toni Washington, VR&E Lead DVOP Regional VR&E locations: Pensacola St. Petersburg Jacksonville Ft. Lauderdale Orlando
34 Additional Veteran Programs Transition Assistance Program (TAP): Assists separating military members and their spouses, in their transition to civilian society, at 12 TAP sites in Florida. Pensacola NAS Eglin AFB Hurlburt AFB Tyndall AFB Mayport NAS Jacksonville NAS Patrick AFB MacDill AFB U.S. Southern Command (Miami) Key West NS U.S. Coast Guard (Miami)Whiting Field
35 SEC.1221: Incentives to hire unemployed veterans through Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) Qualified veteran within five years Disabled veteran Added Unemployed Veteran SEC Increases in unemployment compensation benefits State Law provision plus an additional $25 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act 2009
36 Employ Florida Marketplace (EFM) Additional EFM helpful features: Veteran registration, including skill profile Case Management, create Individualized Employment Plan (IEP) (IEP) Provide meaningful service (services with asterisks in EFM commence or extend participation of the veteran) in EFM commence or extend participation of the veteran) Accurate and concise case notes in EFM Resume builder Veteran File Search and Skills/Job matching Identify self-registered veterans Client messaging for effective communication Alerts as reminders or triggers to veterans
37 Summary We discussed the following objectives: Awareness of the DOL Veterans Grant Understanding of case management Understanding of the Priority of Veteran Services Comprehension of the roles and responsibilities of the LVER/DVOP Understanding of State strategies for success Awareness of additional veteran programs State areas of concern
38 Shawn Forehand Michael Murphy State Veterans Programs Coordinator (850) (850) Fax: (850) AWI Veterans’ Workforce program Resources DOL Vets Veterans Program Letters Student Veterans of America Contact Information