Thematic Introduction, Aims of the Conference & Conference Run Jürgen Horschinegg Federal Ministry for Education, Science and Culture
Thematic Introduction Lisbon goals Education & Training 2010:... to make the European education systems a worldwide acknowledged quality reference by 2010; QA as a central element in supporting the European education systems to become more successful and competitive QA as an essential instrument to link VET & HE HE - Bologna Process - ENQA VET – Copenhagen Process – ENQA-VET European Qualifications Framework EQF Our aim: to successfully merge the Bologna and Copenhagen Process
Aims of the Conference... to bridge the gap between VET and HE in the area of “Quality”... to set a starting point for further initiatives and co-operation... to identify common themes within areas for joint development... to promote & consolidate partnership between VET & HE – including e.g. future peer learning activities to develop common principles at European level for implementation (on a voluntary basis) at national/regional/local level to think about joint actions – e.g. projects, products, conferences, seminars to jointly support the building of pathways & links between qualifications at VET & HE – e.g. through the EQF...
The spirit of the Conference Let’s co-operate & share experience to maximise effort and output! We do not have to do the same thing in the same way – but we have similar issues and we can learn from each other’s experience. We each have unique strengths and thereby can make different contributions as partners.
Common Principles for Quality Assurance in E&T 1.QA to ensure accountability & improvement of E&T 2.QA policies & procedures at all levels of E&T systems 3.QA as an integral part of the internal management of E&T institutions 4.regular evaluation by external monitoring bodies/agencies 5.regularly reviewed external monitoring bodies/agencies 6.QA on context, input, process & output dimensions emphasis to outputs & learning outcomes 7.QA systems: + clear & measurable objectives & standards + guidelines for implementation, including stakeholder involvement + appropriate resources + consistent evaluation methods (self-assessm. & external review) + feedback mechanisms & procedures for improvement + widely accessible evaluation results 8.Co-ordinated QA initiatives at international, national & regional level overview, coherence, synergy & system-wide analysis 9.QA as a co-operative process across levels, involving all relevant stakeholders, within countries & across Europe 10.EU QA guidelines as reference points for evaluations & peer-learning
Study “Quality in Education & Training. Cases of Good Practice in VET & HE“ supported by the Commission and launched by the Austrian authorities in preparation for the conference & as „guiding input“ QA in VET & HE at transnational, national, system & institutional level implementation of QA systems & approaches in the MS use of tools & activities developed through European co-operation existing synergies possible future co-operation models, mutual learning processes identify „weak areas“ presentation of the study after the coffee break presentation & discussion of cases in 4 workshops in the afternoon
Conference Languages plenary: translation from and to German, English and French workshop language: English !!! At the end of each plenary session PLEASE ALWAYS leave your HEAD SET at your chair !!! Thank you!
Conference folder agenda & workshop abstracts list of participants & list of workshop participants EQF Consultation Document: „Common Principles for QA in E&T” red paper: conference web-site map of the University of Graz – conference rooms practical information notes & restaurant guide study „Quality in Education and Training“ study “Current and Future Trends in Higher Education” document: “E&T 2010 – main policy initiatives since 2000” ENQA-VET Work Programme & list of Board Members & Particip. document: “Fundamentals of a CQAF for VET in Europe” booklet: “QIBB – the Austrian VET Quality Initiative” document: “Standards & Guidelines for QA in the EHEA” tourist information, city map Graz etc. 2 booklets about the Austrian EU presidency & presidency events
Information & assistance at the Info Point If you have any questions or need help please do not hesitate to contact the staff members (blue t-shirt) at the Info Point in front of the plenary hall; also available at the Info Point: information material and booklets about interesting projects and initiatives. Internet access in the RESOWI building, password in your conference folder.
Conference Agenda Today 10:30 am – 11:00 am coffee break 11:00 am – 12:30 pm presentation of the study “Quality in Education & Training” 12:30 pm – 02:00 pmlunch buffet & preparatory lunch coffee break & lunch buffet prepared and served by students of the College for Occupations in the Services Industries Management, Graz 02:00 pm – 05:30 pm8 parallel workshops (individual coffee break) 05:30 pmbus transfer from the University of Graz to the hotels 07:30 pmevening reception & dinner at the Old University Graz (bus transfer from the hotels & back)
Conference Agenda Tomorrow 09:00 am – 10:30 am plenary session – 8 short reports from the workshop rapporteurs 10:30 am – 11:00 am coffee break 11:00 am – 01:00 pmplenary session – panel discussion conclusions closing words 01:00 pm – 02:30 pmlunch buffet 02:30 pmend of the conference bus transfer from the University of Graz to the hotels 02:30 pm – 06:00 pmENQA-VET Board Meeting coffee break & lunch buffet prepared and served by students of the College for Occupations in the Services Industries Management, Graz
8 Parallel Workshops today: 02:00 pm – 05:30 pm RESOWI building please follow the staff members who will accompany you to the RESOWI building or see the map of the University „campus“ in your conference folder bus transfer at 05:30 pm from the University‘s main building to your hotel
Preparatory Lunch today: 12:30 pm – 02:00 pm room: HS All workshop chairs & rapporteurs, the chair of the panel of the plenary discussion & the EC representatives are invited to a preparatory lunch.
Bus transfers Today: 05:30 pm from the University of Graz (main building) to your hotel in the evening from your hotel to Old University Graz & back Tomorrow: in the morning from your hotel to the University of Graz 02:30 pm from the University of Graz (main building) to your hotel !!! Please see the time table for bus departures at your hotel !!!
You’ll be able to find all PowerPoint-presentations & conference results after the conference at: (see the red paper in your conference folder)
Thank your for your attention! It‘s time for coffee now!