Courses Presented by Computer Science (CS) Building
Level 8 Honours Degree Courses LM023 Health Informatics LM051 Computer Systems LM110 Multimedia & Computer Games Development LM113 Digital Media Design LM114 Music, Media & Performance Technology
Media Based Courses Mathematics: At least Grade B3 in Ordinary Level or Grade D3 in Higher Level. Special Maths Exam LM113 Digital Media Design 335 LM114 Music, Media & Performance Technology 350
LM113 (i) an emphasis on the human aspect of digital technologies, their implementation design and application (audio, video and interactive systems); (ii) an understanding of the human and social issues underlying the use of digital media; (iii) an introduction to the design disciplines relevant for digital media design.
LM113: Years 1 and 2 Year 1 Semester 1Year 1 Semester 2 Introduction to Digital MediaIntroduction to Web Development Directed Study DMD 1Perceptual Systems & Multimedia Media Programming 1Foundations of Interaction Design Sociology of MediaIndustrial Design 2 Technological Mathematics 1Technological Mathematics 2 Year 2 Semester 1Year 2 Semester 2 Information Society 1Audio and Video Production Digital Audio FundamentalsMobile Application Design Digital Video FundamentalsDirected Study DMD 2 Design Research & SpecificationHuman Computer Interaction Introduction to Social Research Methods Computer Supported Cooperative Work
LM113: Years 3 and 4 Year 3 Semester 1Year 3 Semester 2 Interactive Multimedia Requirements Engineering Cooperative Education PlacementOccupational Psychology Product Design and Modelling Design Visualisation Studio Year 4 Semester 1Year 4 Semester 2 Information Society 2Applied Interaction Design Multimedia Industry PerspectivesProject Management and Practice Qualitative Methods for Sociological Research Quantitative Methods for Sociological Research Digital Media Design Project 1Digital Media Design Project 2
Digital Media Design – LM113 Topics of study: Web and Database Technology Interactive Multimedia Design Concept and Realisation Occupational Psychology Digital Audio and Video Human-Computer Interaction Understanding Social Reality
Digital Media Design – LM113 Careers: Web Designer Multimedia Programmer Multimedia Project Manager Usability Specialist Design Consultant User-Interface Designer
A few examples of final year projects
Mobile phone app for
Interactive 3D for education
Six Shooter Android app
QR codes based app for exhibition
3D video
Conference companion app for “Magic is Might”