You arrive at work To find Fire trucks Everywhere The fire chief says “It’s not too bad, only one room is badly burned”
When you are finally allowed enter the building You find your work area totally DESTROYED
2 days later….
You have rented an Office You have rented Equipment
Can you work? Would you need Software Files Reports Documentation etc. etc. That you don’t have!!!
List the things you would need for work Where are these things? Is there another copy anywhere else? Would they have been burned also?
Be prepared Get Ready NOW! If disaster comes your way to overcome it all
Absolute Business Continuity Solutions Services on offer Plan development Explore continuity strategies Document BCP/DR/Incident Management Plans Implement staff awareness & training Test, Maintain and Review plans Absolution Business Continuity Solutions are available to help you with all elements of the BCM process Contact details: Mobile: Absolute Business Continuity Solutions Ltd. Making Business Continuity Child’s Play