Definitions H Click for each heading then for the answer Hi ! Happy studying….
Habitat Where a plant or animal lives E.g. earthworm in soil
Haemoglobin Red chemical in red blood cells Carries oxygen
Group 7 Seven electrons in outer shell Valency = one Cl 2 and F ions in water treatment Halogens
Hard Water Does not make a lather (suds) easily with soap Caused by dissolved calcium ions Removed by ion exchanger Blocks pipes with limescale and wastes soap Good for teeth and tastes nice Why is Calgon called Cal-gon?
Heat Is a form of energy Joules (J) Not the same as temperature
Herbivore Animal that eats plants ONLY e.g cow or greenfly or sheep
Hoffmann Voltameter Used in electrolysis of water Into hydrogen and oxygen (2:1) 2 1
Hooke’s Law The extension of a spiral spring Is directly proportional to The force applied to it. In “Plain” English
Hydrocarbons Chemicals made up of hydrogen and carbon only H + C
Hydrogen (H 2 ) Element Number One Lightest element known Burns with pop (or explodes if lots) Made when acid meets metal Covalent bond
Hydro-electricity Electric current generated by the potential and kinetic energy of water (Dams are wider at bottom due to more pressure deeper down) Energy change = potential (behind dam) kinetic (flowing water) electrical ( in turbine)
Do I know it?? Habitat Haemoglobin Halogens Hard Water Heat Herbivore Hoffmann voltameter Hooke’s law Hydrocarbons Hydroelectricity Hydrogen