Washington County, Oregon March 19, 2014 Board Meeting Engineering Department Report
Washington County, Oregon Garden Home Reservoir Construction Update Today’s presentation: Brief project history Reservoir information Construction video Next steps
Washington County, Oregon Project History: Steel water tanks built in 1952 and These tanks were not designed for seismic events. District initially planned a seismic retrofit project, but costs would have been comparable to replacement. Additional storage was needed in Metzger, so a larger replacement tank was designed. Neighborhood opposition delayed the project, but construction started in summer 2013.
Washington County, Oregon Reservoir information: 1.75 million gallon pre-stressed concrete reservoir designed to current seismic codes. New water lines and valves on-site. Automatic control capabilities to isolate tank. Ability to distribute tank water to fire apparatus or emergency distribution station. Landscaping and tank painting as compromise with neighbors.
Washington County, Oregon Garden Home Reservoir