Report on Technical Board (Sept. 2014) Taketo Uomoto Chairman of TB
Technical Board ICCMC Working Groups of WG1, WG2 and WG3 is transformed to Technical Committees TC1, TC2 and TC3, respectively. There can be more TCs in the future when necessary. The ACF Technical Board (TB) consists of VP for Technical, Chairs of all TCs and one elected EC member who is an individual member. The Working Groups in ACF are changed to TCs.
Technical Committees TC1: Design (Dr. Jian-Guo, Dai ) TC2: Construction (Prof. Takafumi Noguchi) TC3: Maintenance (Prof. Hiroshi Yokota) ーー Three TC’s are related to ACMC Project: Complete set of ACMC by 2014 STC1: Young Concrete Professionals (YCP-STC) (Dr. ian-Guo, Dai ) STC2: Survey on Statistical Data of Constituent Materials and Production of Concrete in Asian Countries” (Prof. Noguchi)
The ACF P&VP Meeting Meeting date: 18 April 2014 Time: 9:00 – 16:40 Venue: National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan Host: Taiwan Concrete Institute (TCI) Organizer: Asian Concrete Federation Attendant: Prof. H. Yokota on behalf of Dr.Uomoto
Proposals: 1. “Subcommittee for Young Concrete Professionals (YCP-STC)” proposed by Dr. Jian-Guo, Dai 2. “Asian Concrete Vision 2030 Forum” proposed by Prof. Chulwoo, Park 3. “Promotion of the Asian Concrete Model Code in the Asian Region” proposed by Prof. Jongsung, Sim 4. “Effective Utilization of Concrete with High Volume Supplementary Cementisious Materials in Asian Region” proposed by Dr. Takafumi Noguchi 5. “Systematization of Electrochemical Measurements Based on Physicochemical Theory” proposed by Dr. Takafumi Noguchi ○ “Subcommittee for Young Concrete Professionals (YCP-STC)” proposed by Dr. Jian-Guo, Dai ○ “Effective Utilization of Concrete with High Volume Supplementary Cementitious Materials in Asian Region” proposed by Dr. Takafumi Noguchi Funding approved New Work Items (Funding) P & VP Meeting ( 2014 . 04 )
○The first Asian Concrete Model Code (ACMC 2001) was published in 2001 by the International Committee on Concrete Model Code for Asia (ICCMC) ○Based on the ACMC 2001, the first revision of the ACMC was successfully completed and the revised version (ACMC 2006) appeared in ○The content of each of the two versions of the ACMC contain a common Level 1 document and 3 Parts of Level 2 documents. 1) Design 2) Materials and Construction 3) Maintenance. ○Based on the ACMC 2001 and ACMC 2006, various Level 3 documents which are the local codes/standards/technical documents prepared for specific countries, describing the latest technological development in concrete engineering in the countries had been continuingly published. History of ACMC
ACMC 2014 to be published by ACF New ACMC 2014: ○Modification of the contents ○Reduction of the document levels from the originally 3 levels to 2 levels. ・ The former Level 1 which was the common documents for all 3 Parts is transformed to be the Introductory Chapter with minor modifications. ・ The former Level 2 is modified and changed to be Level 1 document while the former Level 3 documents are recoded / to be recoded as Level 2 documents. ACMC2014 will be published after circulation (one month) to EC,TB & Edit. EC&GA meeting:
1) An example of seismic performance examination for RC building design according to the Architectural Institute of Japan (AIJ) Guidelines, )Vietnam National Standard TCXDVN 318: "Concrete and Concrete Reinforced Structures - Guide to Maintenance", )Guidelines for maintenance and rehabilitation of concrete structures against chloride induced deterioration, )Guidelines for materials and construction based on Japanese Standard Specifications, ) Guidelines for the design of reinforced concrete buildings against fire actions, )Guidelines for designing transverse confinement reinforcement of reinforced concrete columns against seismic actions, ) Guidelines for the seismic assessment and retrofit of concrete structures, )Guidelines for maintenance and rehabilitation of concrete structures subjected to carbonation-induced deterioration, )Guidelines for materials and construction of concrete structures based on the Thai standard specifications, ) Guidelines for durability and service life design of concrete structures based on the Thai standard, 2014 Level 2 Documents of ACMC
4 th TC/TB Meetings The 4 th TC/TB Meetings might be held in conjunction with the 1 st ACF Symposium in India (7 October 2015) Date: 8 October 2015 To be discussed