Computer Software in Today’s Classrooms Chapter 4
Five Types of Software Categories Productivity Research Communication Problem-Solving Educational Software
Productivity Software Used to produce or create a variety of artifacts or products. ◦Word Processing ◦Spreadsheets ◦Presentation Software ◦Database ◦Graphic Organizers- Inspiration or Kidspiration ◦Graphics Software- Clip art, animations, etc. ◦Digital Audio Editing- Audacity (program used to edit and record audio) ◦Digital Video Editing- Windows Movie Maker (video editing software) ◦Multimedia Authoring Software- Hyperstudio (combines video, audio, animation and graphics)
Research Software Mainly referring to online research ◦Browsers- Internet Explorer, Netscape Navigator etc. (initial Internet Access begins here) ◦Search Engines- Google, Ask, Yahoo, etc. (used within a browser) ◦Plug Ins- Acrobat Reader (may be needed to access some files located during your Internet search)
Communication Software Asynchronous- Not real time (includes , discussion boards, blogs, wikis and podcasts) Synchronous- Real time (includes chats and instant messaging)
Problem-Solving Software Usually real-world like problem solving programs ◦Games- Math Blasters, etc. ◦Simulations- digital simulations that enable students to investigate objects, systems, ideas, and concepts that are often difficult or impossible to explore in real life (virtual dissections).
Educational Software Designed to educate or teach users ◦Drill and practice- designed to reinforce basic skills. ◦Tutorials- presents learners with new content and provides practice and feedback on the content. ◦Integrated Learning Systems- provides a comprehensive learning environment that includes instructional content, practice and feedback, and assessments for students and lesson plans for teachers. ◦Process Tools- provide questions and prompting to guide students through specific steps required to complete a process. ◦Testing Software- Accelerated Reader (helps prepare students for standardized tests.