Food Technology/ Culinary 2 Joan Wikre Room 1720 Welcome Students!
What should you know about Food Technology/ Culinary 2? Learning Goal: Students will learn about the class and what is expected. Agenda: Introductions, review class expectation Take notes Review skills needed in lab. Word of the Day: Mise En Place Close: Q & A
Assignment Remember the Washington Way Bring your Lab Fee $5.00 Parents sign class expectations sheet for bonus All work should be checked in with instructor by Friday Check the portal regularly
Important Notes Quarter 4th End of Quarter Midterm grades are posted at 4:30pm.The Campus grading window opens October 4 th. Nov. 1 st, 1 st quarter grades are due Final Grades are posted Jan. 17 th at 4:30pm. Parent Conferences are November 14 th and 19 th
Unit 1: Introduction Why is organization so important in the home and the work place? Norms and how the class operates Science note taking skills Preparing for post secondary education Time management Planning process
Electronics – Cell Phones, Headphones, Music, Earphones are not allowed in school First occurrence – ask the student to put it away Second Occurrence – ask student for the device and return at the end of class Third Occurrence on another day – ask student for the device and teacher returns to the student at the end of the teacher’s work day – depending on early or late start. Fourth- If the student does not give you the device, refer to Behavior Specialist or Administrator
Time Management Tips Establish priorities. Write down your schedule. Make a daily “to-do” list. Use time “leftovers”. Double up. Get organized. Learn to delegate and ask for favors. Do not be a perfectionist. Consider your other resources.
FCCLA Planning Process Family Career and Community Leaders of America Identify Concerns Set a Goal Form a Plan (Who, What, When, Where, How, Cost, Resources, and Evaluation) Act Follow Up
What are the most important rules of etiquette? Think of the comfort of others! Don’t draw attention to yourself!
What does TCS Foods mean? Students will learn about Servsafe and the importance of safety and sanitation? Agenda: read out load Servsafe chapter 1 and answer the review questions? Complete meal service worksheet Quiz coming up Word of the day: TCS: Time & Temperature Control Safety Basically how long, where, and what temperature foods must be kept in to keep it safe. Close: Q & A
What are three forms of contamination that threaten food safety? Students will learn about Servsafe and the importance of safety and sanitation? Agenda: read out load Servsafe chapter 2 and answer the review questions? Watch DVD, complete check off sheet Quiz coming up Word of the day: Pathogen-a bacterium, virus, or other microorganism that can cause disease. Mold, yeast, toxin Close: Q & A
What is the Danger Zone? Students will learn about Servsafe and the importance of safety and sanitation? Agenda: read out load Servsafe chapter 3 and answer the review questions? Watch DVD, complete check off sheet Quiz coming up Word of the day: Prevention Close: Q & A
How do you measure? Learning Goal: Students will demonstrate how to proper measurement technique. Agenda: Review Take notes on function of ingredients Read measuring techniques Measuring matches Students will complete measuring success, And Measuring matches. Word of the Day: liquid measuring cup Close: Q & A
What are the standards? Students will learn lab procedures Blue Lab Manual and Clip Boards Out! Review Lab manual and planning sheet and organizing manual Review LAB Review Measuring Word of the Day: Mise en place Assignment: before you go in lab plan must be done!
What should you know about being in the LAB? All folders out on the table, notes, writing utensil, and white book Review and overview Previous knowledge gained in class Measuring Create Lab Plans Word of the Day: Mise en place Close Q & A
What is the function of ingredients? How do you measure? Why are you in Lab? Remember what you have learned! Standard: Demonstrate understanding and application of kitchen safety principles and practices. Standard: Demonstrate food safety and sanitation procedures. Standard: Integrate knowledge, skills, and practices required in food measurement procedures. Standard: Demonstrate selecting, using, and maintaining food preparation equipment. Standard: Demonstrate nutrition and wellness practices that enhance individual and family wellbeing.
Which type of thermometer can read temperature without touching the item’s surface? Students will learn about Servsafe and the importance of safety and sanitation? Agenda: read out load Servsafe chapter 4 and answer the review questions? Watch DVD, complete check off sheet Quiz coming up Word of the day: Accurate Close: Q & A
What must be on the label on TCS food that was prepped in house? Students will learn about Servsafe and the importance of safety and sanitation? Agenda: read out load Servsafe chapter 5 and answer the review questions? Watch DVD, complete check off sheet Quiz coming up Word of the day: inspecting Close: Q & A
What is the maximum water temperature allowed when thawing food under running water? Students will learn about Servsafe and the importance of safety and sanitation? Agenda: read out load Servsafe chapter 6 and answer the review questions? Watch DVD, complete check off sheet Quiz coming up Word of the day: internal Close: Q & A
Which part of the plate should a food handler avoid touching when serving customers? Students will learn about Servsafe and the importance of safety and sanitation? Agenda: read out load Servsafe chapter 7 and answer the review questions? Watch DVD, complete check off sheet Quiz coming up Word of the day: vending machine Close: Q & A
What does HACCP mean? Students will learn about Servsafe and the importance of safety and sanitation? Agenda: read out load Servsafe chapter 8 and answer the review questions? Watch DVD, complete check off sheet Quiz coming up Word of the day: Monitor Close: Q & A
What is the only completely reliable method for preventing backflow? Students will learn about Servsafe and the importance of safety and sanitation? Agenda: read out load Servsafe chapter 9 and answer the review questions? Watch DVD, complete check off sheet Quiz coming up Word of the day: Sanitizing Close: Q & A
What is a MSDS? Students will learn about Servsafe and the importance of safety and sanitation? Agenda: read out load Servsafe chapter 10 and answer the review questions? Watch DVD, complete check off sheet Quiz coming up Word of the day: Surface Close: Q & A