The date it was prepared The date it should be sold, consumed, or discarded Label potentially hazardous, ready-to-eat food prepared on-site, with either: 7-2
7-3 Can be stored for 7 days at 41 F (5 C) or lower Must be discarded after 7 days Discard food that has passed its manufacturer’s expiration date Potentially hazardous, ready-to-eat food that was prepared in-house
7-4 Identify the use-by, expiration, or preparation date of products Shelve products with earliest dates in front of those with later dates Use products stored in front first Rotate products so the oldest inventory is used first To follow FIFO:
7-5 Discard it Clean and sanitize the container Refill the container with new product Deplete product on a regular basis If product is not sold or consumed by a predetermined date:
7-6 Put it in a clean, sanitized container Cover it Label with product name and original use-by/expiration date Transfer food between containers properly If you take food out of its original package:
7-7 Store deliveries as soon as they have been inspected Put prepared food away until needed Keep potentially hazardous food out of the temperature danger zone
7-8 Check temperatures of stored food and storage areas Photo courtesy of Roger Bonafield and Dingbats
7-9 Near chemicals or cleaning supplies In restrooms In locker rooms In furnace rooms In janitor closets Under stairways or pipes Store food only in designated storage areas Do not store food: Do not store food this way
7-10 Clean up spills immediately Clean dollies, carts, transporters, and trays often Keep all storage areas and equipment clean and dry
Today’s date is October 3 rd. September has 30 days. Which food items should be discarded? 7-11
7-12 Used to hold potentially hazardous food at 41 F (5 C) or lower Slows the growth of microorganisms Refrigerated Storage
7-13 Air temperature should be at least 2 F (1 C) lower than the desired internal product temperature
7-14 Randomly sampling temperature with a calibrated thermometer Using a product-mimicking device Monitor food temperature regularly by:
7-15 Overload a refrigerator Line shelving with foil or paper Open refrigerator doors too frequently Do not: Overloaded refrigerator
7-16 This can warm the interior—putting food into the temperature danger zone Never place hot food in the refrigerator
7-17 Separately from cooked and ready-to-eat food OR Below cooked or ready-to-eat food Store raw meat, poultry, and fish: Do not store food this way
7-18 Leaving it uncovered can lead to cross-contamination Wrap food properly
7-19 Slows the growth of microorganisms substantially Used to hold potentially hazardous food at 0 F (–18 C) or lower Storage temperature varies by product Frozen Storage
7-20 Check unit temperatures regularly Do not store warm food inside Do not overload units Keep doors closed as much as possible Defrost units regularly To maintain proper freezer temperatures:
F to 70 F (10 C to 21 C) 50% to 60% relative humidity Dry-storage areas are used to hold dry and canned food at:
7-22 At least 6 inches off the floor Away from walls Out of direct sunlight In a clean area Dry food must be stored:
7-23 Store at an internal temperature of 41 F (5 C) or lower Wrap it in airtight, moisture-proof material OR Store it in a container When storing fresh meat:
7-24 Store at an internal temperature of 41 F (5 C) or lower Store ice-packed product as is, in self-draining containers When storing fresh poultry:
7-25 Keep at an internal temperature of 41 F (5 C) or lower Store ice-packed product as is, in self-draining containers Keep fillets and steaks in original packaging When storing fresh fish:
7-26 Store alive at an air temperature of 45 F (7 C) or lower Store in original containers Keep shellstock tags for 90 days from date last shellfish was used When storing fresh shellfish:
7-27 Store at an air temperature of 45 F (7 C) or lower Keep eggs in refrigerated storage until used Use eggs within 4–5 weeks of packing date When storing shell eggs:
7-28 Store fresh at 41 F (5 C) or lower Store frozen at 6 F to 10 F (–14 C to –12 C) Follow FIFO Discard product that has passed its use-by/expiration date When storing dairy:
7-29 Storage temperatures will vary by product Product packed on ice can be stored that way Do not wash product prior to storage When storing fresh produce:
7-30 Store at temperatures recommended by manufacturer Discard product if: Use-by/expiration dates have expired Package is torn Package is slimy or contains excessive liquid Product bubbles When storing MAP, vacuum-packed, and sous vide food:
7-31 Store product at room temperature Once opened, store at 41 F (5 C) or lower UHT Products Aseptically Packaged UHT Products Not Aseptically Packaged Store at 41 F (5 C) or lower
7-32 Store product at 50 F to 70 F (10 C to 21 C) Store in original package or in airtight, clearly labeled containers Keep storerooms dry Check packages for insect or rodent damage When storing canned and dry products:
Find the unsafe storage practices in this picture 7-33