7 Healthy Habits of A Highly Effective Voice Darrell Klotz, MD, FACS Voice & Swallowing Center
HABIT 1: Breathe Physiologic respiration is automatic Phonatory respiration is learned, unlearned – Good posture – Diaphragmatic breathing – Timing – Don’t speak on residual air Recognize importance of breath support Singers may do this well while singing, but not with speaking
HABIT 2: Hydrate
How much water does a body need each day? Half your body weight in ounces Modified for exercise, climate, body conditions Humidification – Environment (planes, cold weather, dry climates) – Nasal breathing Avoid drying medications and diuretics – Antihistamines, BP meds, caffeine, alcohol
HABIT 3: Speak easy
Find your natural voice – Effortless projection, no straining Avoid throat-focused speech – “eee” v. “mmm” – “Yes” v. “uhm huh” Relax – no neck tension Diaphragmatic breathing Amplification
HABIT 4: Avoid vocal overuse Avoid a vocal marathon – Periods of rest allow for healing phase – Take vocal breaks Throughout the day, between activities, mid-week Reduce vocal demands Avoid prolonged talking over noise Get plenty of rest
HABIT 5: Reduce Irritants Don’t smoke Avoid pollutants (stage fog, yardwork, etc.) Control allergies Control acid reflux Watch medications – Asthma inhalers – Cold and flu remedies – Allergy meds/antihistamines
HABIT 6: Heed your voice Don’t push your voice through a “cold”, sore throat, bad allergy day – Alterations in resonance – Vocal trauma from associated throat clearing and coughing – Laryngitis = swollen vocal folds Warning signs – Hoarseness, pain, vocal fatigue, loss of range, decreased projection
HABIT 7: Seek help Proper diagnosis of hoarseness, cough or throat clearing Improve vocal hygiene Voice therapy Medical remedies Surgical intervention
Thank You!
What about throat sprays? Singers, do you think water is enough? THINK AGAIN! Over 7.5 million people have diseases or disorders of the voice*
Vocal Fold Vibration