Presentation to the BUCS North West conference 12 th May 2009 Alison Odell CBE, NWUA Professional Advisor for Sport.


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Presentation transcript:

Presentation to the BUCS North West conference 12 th May 2009 Alison Odell CBE, NWUA Professional Advisor for Sport

Introduction to NWUA The HE sector in the North West HEFCE funded Sports Volunteering project Volunteering and Coaching in NW HEIs

NWUA’s principal roles are to: (i) Represent fourteen HEIs in the North West (ii) Identify opportunities for collaboration (iii) Provide co-ordination for regional HE activity

The University of Bolton University of Central Lancashire University of Chester University of Cumbria Edge Hill University Lancaster University The University of Liverpool Liverpool Hope University Liverpool John Moores University The University of Manchester Manchester Metropolitan University The Open University University of Salford The Royal Northern College of Music See handouts for a list of project contacts and the NWUA 2012 SPN

NWUA Lead Officers for Sector Professional Advisor for Sport 2 x Academic Advisors for Sport 2012 Sport Strategy and Policy Network 2012 Volunteering project specific Network

Have 250,000 students on certificated programmes Have more than 67,000 students graduating annually in the North West Combined annual income more than £2 billion Employ over 36,000 staff With over £300 million from research grant income (Source: HESA 2006/07)

HEFCE funded project:

To contribute to the regional legacy of the 2012 Games by facilitating the development and delivery of higher level sport volunteering and coaching skills to meet the needs of North West sport community partners to include technical, professional, leadership and management skills as determined through engagement with sport community partners.

Development and delivery of demand-led higher level skills provision (Level 4 and above) to meet the regional sport volunteering needs (including coaching) associated with the 2012 Games and other major regional events Maximise the co-ordination and utilisation of HE student volunteering placements and coaching opportunities across the regional sport community enhancing the skills and employability of North West graduates

Phase 1:July 2008 – July 2009* 1.1Development of Demand-led Provision - Research & Analysis Phase 1.2Student Volunteering placements & Coaching opportunities. Development and delivery of a regional HE sport volunteer database. Phase 2:July 2009 onwards* 2.1Development of Demand-led Provision – Development & Delivery Phase *A request to extend phase 1 by 4 months is currently awaiting formal approval from HEFCE

Development of Demand-led Provision - Research & Analysis Student Volunteering placements & Coaching opportunities - Development and delivery of a regional HE sport volunteer database and exploration of the potential for a similar database development for coaching placements (with a view to submitting a further bid for funding to support this development)

Joint undertaking by NWUA and BUCS North West (Workforce Development Group) Produce consistent baseline data on key issues Relevance to project / Funding body and wider sector activity Inform the direction of phase 1 and future of phase 2 activity

8 (of 9) HEIs operate a volunteering programme and have a designated/paid employee to manage volunteers (including sport) 7 indicated that a sports specific employee supporting volunteering would/does add value to the HEI 5 HEIs have a volunteering programme solely dedicated to sport 8 (of 9) HEIs consider ‘Continuing Professional Development (employability)’ to be an extremely important motivation / reason to operate and support students in volunteering activities 7 (of 9) HEIs don’t monitor volunteering activities of students prior to HE

Almost all (8 of 9) HEIs either part or wholly fund their (sport) volunteering programme from internal sources Half (4 of 9) are funded via a ‘central budget’

All responding HEIs indicated interest and willingness towards implementing a regional accreditation for HEI volunteer programmes 4 (of 9) HEIs have a minimum criteria that volunteering activities should meet internally, whilst 5 (0f 9) have a minimum criteria for external activities

Only 4 (of 9) HEIs use a system/database to log, manage and promote sport volunteering opportunities 8 (of 9) HEIs do not have an information system/process to track volunteers after they leave their institution 7 (of 9) HEIs do not track the ‘1 st occupation/destination’ of graduates who have participated in sport volunteering programmes

Identified critical components of a potential system include: Record/track number of hours volunteered Indentify previous training/experience in sport volunteering Track students after they leave HE to establish what they are now doing (employment) and if they are still volunteering in sport Identify and track quality placements Easy access for students to log their qualifications/experience via an online CV Alignment with current external systems

5 (of 9) HEIs anticipate they would have problems using a regional system that records, monitors and facilitates student sport volunteering placements Anticipated problems include: Keeping information up to date Staff/resource (cost/time) Duplication of existing system (e.g. CSP activity and internal systems)

NGB Qualifications 7 (of 9) HEIs host and/or organise National Governing Body (NGB) Coach Education Courses in at least one sport North West HEIs provide NGB Coach Education courses/Sports Coach UK Courses in over 20 sports/activities Approx 1235 places were taken by students attending these courses in the last year (2 HEIs delivered over 400 each) Minimum operating Standards 7 (of 9) HEIs impose minimum operating standards for employed coaches within their institution, whilst the same number impose them on volunteer coaches

90% of HEIs have a volunteering programme (although not necessarily sport specific) 80% of HEIs don’t monitor volunteering activities of students prior to HE 90% of HEIs don’t have an information system/process to track volunteers after they leave their institution 80% of HEIs host and/or organise National Governing Body Coach Education Courses in at least one sport The majority of HEIs: Would find value in a system that tracks sport volunteers (before, during and after HE) and allows students to log their progress Engage with a number of sport community organisations Additionally all responding HEIs indicated that they would work towards implementing regional accreditation for HEI volunteer programmes (should one be developed)

Complete a formal report based on the findings from the questionnaire, which would include future recommendations Work towards developing a regional accreditation system for HE volunteer programmes Detail the requirements of a regional HE volunteering and coaching database Work with relevant stakeholders to explore / develop a system and work to support integration by HE member institutions

NWUA Sport Lead Officers: Sue Quick, North West Universities Association Nick Dawber, North West Universities Association NWUA Professional Advisor for Sport: Alison Odell, University of Manchester NWUA Academic Advisors for Sport: Tony Charlton, Edge Hill University Adrian Ibbetson, University of Central Lancashire