We want students to get a foundation of good cardiovascular health. Nick Seidenberg
Software that allows high energy performance without needing a lot of space! Allows cardiovascular health to be addressed through high octane dance movement Students will enjoy and have fun with the system as it is not plain and boring Pro-grade system with 6 pads can be bought at $3600. System lasts for years and will engage any class; an excellent investment.
Size is 38”L x 35”W x 1” H Weight is 36LB
A great asset to a Gymnasium Many movies and fitness videos can be watched in class; allows mirroring. Excellent cardiovascular video can be played in class room. P90X and Boot camp workouts Allows for variety in the classroom, something different that may attract students to work hard and have fun.
A great price at $95. Ideal for computer, video and overhead projection.
A great piece of equipment that can be effective in the classroom for management of cardiovascular health. The Heart is the key to cardiovascular health; heart monitor is small and perfect for the student. Displays current heart rate and average heart rate easily for the student. They come in multiple colors as well.
Each pack consist of 24 heart monitors and 24 chest straps. Heart training book and many other books also come in the pack This is a excellent device to be used in the classroom for students knowledge of their heart and cardiovascular health. The device is at a great price of $1350 ;last for years in the school and the knowledge will last decades for the students.
Gives the class motivation and excitement in the classroom. The heart is an important organ in the body, this will make students understand that !!
Excellent piece of equipment that comes at a cheap price. Multiple Exercise can be performed. Great for using for core strengthen; important for running and increasing endurance. Great team building activities come from medicine ball tosses.
Ball come in multiple weights; four, six, and nine pounds. Allows for core strength, balance, and all athletic movements Great for a warm-up activity in the classroom. Especially prior to cardio workout. The Medicine balls are $18 dollars. tremendous results in the students will be seen.
Game bike is an excellent piece of equipment. It is a Stationary bike provided with a TV screen that allows the rider to have a virtual ride. Rider can navigate through different terrains and the screen displays time and distance. Excitement and variety is what makes this product different. Students will love to have a virtual bike ride and receive the same benefits of a regular bike.
Price of the bike is $3000 The bike also is adaptable to gaming systems like PS2 and Xbox 360. Will attract all types of students ;athletes and nonathletic students. This product only brings positive results.