Teaching Technology to ESL Students By: Whitehorse High Class Linda Whitehead Patricia Benally Curtis Nielson
Elementary Strategies Technology Recognition Computer Usage (Mouse/Power/Keyboard) Keyboarding Common Programs Computer Safety
Technology Recognition Teach the computer parts using pictures and proper vocabulary: – Good website ml ml Teach the inside of the computer using pictures and proper vocabulary: – Good website
Computer Usage Teach through example: – How to turn on a computer. – How to use a mouse – How to open a program – How to navigate programs – How to navigate the internet
Keyboarding Standards The student will demonstrate correct keyboarding techniques and know the purpose of correct keyboarding techniques. The student will use correct fingering while keying the introduced keys. The students will key accurately from dictation and printed copy.
Keyboarding cont. The student will demonstrate correct keyboarding techniques with minimum speed and accuracy on 30-second timed writings. The student will demonstrate correct keyboarding techniques while increasing speed and maintaining accuracy. (4 th & 5 th )
Keyboarding cont. There are many free websites to teach keyboarding: – This is great because it ties typing to music. Similar to Guitar Hero with typing – Many different typing games. –
Common Programs Teach students common programs through experience Teachers can learn using online programs –
Computer Safety Teach students the safety rules for computers and especially the internet: – –
Secondary Technology Identify capabilities and limitations of technology Make informed choices among technology systems, resources, and services Demonstrate and advocate legal and ethical behaviors Use technology tools to manage and communicate information Evaluate Technology-based options Use online resources to meet needs Select and apply technology tools Collaborate with others to use technology to make projects.
Identify capabilities and limitations of technology My Access—tools available on this program, what the scoring means, how the tutor and editor programs work Search Engines– what kind of info they do/don’t provide Types of technology—when do you use a computer, blackberry, computer camera, etc,
Make informed choices among technology systems, resources, and services How to analyze a website—Checklist for determining value of information Choosing systems or programs—Office, Clipart, Charts, differences in computers and computer programs: which ones to use for different types of tasks
Direct instruction for: Cell phone etiquette, safety, legal issues Chat room etiquette, safety, legal issues Internet safety, legal issues Demonstrate and advocate legal and ethical behavior
Use technology tools to manage and communicate information Resume which is saved in a database their 9 th grade year and is modified as they add experience AGAIN: direct instruction in what kinds of information is safe to share Files: how to create and manage them—how to search files
Evaluate Technology-based options On line tutors On line classes On line degrees Credit recovery Scholarship opportunities
Use online resources to meet needs Research Paper on a historical event My Access-research to formulate persuasive essay Holocaust Museum website for projects related to novels and picture books on the Holocaust Careers research—from education, salaries, virtual surgeries, etc.
Select and apply technology tools Flash cards for vocabulary terms Graphic organizers Games Smart Board Power points Movies Animation Clip art
Collaborate with others to use technology to make projects. Senior Presentation Science PowerPoint Fractured fairytales w/ graphics Surveys and graphs of the collected data
Preparing ELLs to be 21 st - Century Learners by Kristina Robertson
Challenges for ELL Teachers Language Limited Access Different Levels of Experience School Infrastructure Keeping Up
Visilearn Findings and Results Effective instructional techniques: – Hands-on labs – Simple, step-by-step instructions – Lots of large graphics – Information presented in small chunks – Real-world exercises
Teaching Strategies for Using Technology in the ELL Classroom Build Vocabulary – Find out what students know – Review the basics – Use props and demonstrations – Check Comprehension Use handouts Demonstrate using Smart Board Extend practice time Use pair and group work Establish meaningful goals Teach students to consider the source