Unit 9: Caring for older people.
Disorders of the respiratory system
When the blood is not being pumped round the system efficiently the burden placed on the lungs is increased. When the blood is not being pumped round the system efficiently the burden placed on the lungs is increased. This can cause lung congestion, in turn breathless. This can cause lung congestion, in turn breathless. Age brings about other problems – the strength of the chest muscles may also reduce with ageing Age brings about other problems – the strength of the chest muscles may also reduce with ageing Chronic diseases may occur such a bronchitis and prove difficult to overcome. Chronic diseases may occur such a bronchitis and prove difficult to overcome.
Bronchitis Bronchitis is the inflammation of the bronchi, the main air passages to the lungs, it general follows a viral respiratory infection. Bronchitis is the inflammation of the bronchi, the main air passages to the lungs, it general follows a viral respiratory infection.
Research Research symptoms and causes of bronchitis Research symptoms and causes of bronchitis hitis/Pages/Introduction.aspx hitis/Pages/Introduction.aspx
In chronic bronchitis, tobacco smoke causes inflammatory cells to arrive in the bronchi. These cells worsen airway obstruction by causing inflammation and thickening of the airways. Also, mucus- producing glands deep within the lining of the airways become enlarged and increase in number and the number of surface cells that produce mucus increases, resulting in excessive secretion of mucus in the lungs. The resulting chronic cough and expectoration affects the central conducting airway. In chronic bronchitis, tobacco smoke causes inflammatory cells to arrive in the bronchi. These cells worsen airway obstruction by causing inflammation and thickening of the airways. Also, mucus- producing glands deep within the lining of the airways become enlarged and increase in number and the number of surface cells that produce mucus increases, resulting in excessive secretion of mucus in the lungs. The resulting chronic cough and expectoration affects the central conducting airway.
Emphysema This disease enlarges the air sacs of the lungs. This disease enlarges the air sacs of the lungs. A major cause of emphysema is cigarette smoking. A major cause of emphysema is cigarette smoking. It is a progressive disease that commonly occurs in conjunction with chronic bronchitis. It is a progressive disease that commonly occurs in conjunction with chronic bronchitis.
Research Research symptoms and causes of Emphysema Research symptoms and causes of Emphysema sema/article.htm sema/article.htm
Symptoms are difficulty breathing, cough with thick sticky sputum, and a bluish tinge to the skin. Symptoms are difficulty breathing, cough with thick sticky sputum, and a bluish tinge to the skin. If disease progresses it can result in disability, heart and respiratory failure and in some cases death. If disease progresses it can result in disability, heart and respiratory failure and in some cases death.
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD): Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is an 'umbrella' term for people with chronic bronchitis, emphysema, or both. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is an 'umbrella' term for people with chronic bronchitis, emphysema, or both. COPD is not a single disease but a collection of conditions that give rise to severe breathing difficulty. COPD is not a single disease but a collection of conditions that give rise to severe breathing difficulty. It covers many previously used clinical descriptions: It covers many previously used clinical descriptions:
COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) is a general term which includes the conditions chronic bronchitis and emphysema. COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) is a general term which includes the conditions chronic bronchitis and emphysema. Chronic means persistent.Chronic means persistent. Bronchitis is inflammation of the bronchi (the airways of the lungs).Bronchitis is inflammation of the bronchi (the airways of the lungs). Emphysema is damage to the smaller airways and air sacs (alveoli) of the lungs.Emphysema is damage to the smaller airways and air sacs (alveoli) of the lungs. Pulmonary means 'affecting the lungs'.Pulmonary means 'affecting the lungs'.
What causes COPD? What causes COPD? Smoking is the cause in the vast majority of cases. There is no doubt about this. The lining of the airways becomes inflamed and damaged by smoking. About 3 in 20 one-pack-per-day smokers, and 1 in 4 two-pack-per-day smokers develop COPD if they continue to smoke. Air pollution and polluted work conditions may cause some cases, or make the disease worse. However, people who have never smoked rarely develop COPD. Smoking is the cause in the vast majority of cases. There is no doubt about this. The lining of the airways becomes inflamed and damaged by smoking. About 3 in 20 one-pack-per-day smokers, and 1 in 4 two-pack-per-day smokers develop COPD if they continue to smoke. Air pollution and polluted work conditions may cause some cases, or make the disease worse. However, people who have never smoked rarely develop COPD.
What are the symptoms of COPD? nic-Obstructive-Pulmonary- Disease.htm
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD): Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD): Airflow obstruction perhaps due to bronchitis or emphysema.Airflow obstruction perhaps due to bronchitis or emphysema. The resulting condition of such a disease as bronchitis is described as COPD.The resulting condition of such a disease as bronchitis is described as COPD. Creates a progressively worse disruption of airflow into the lungs, and will not improve with time.Creates a progressively worse disruption of airflow into the lungs, and will not improve with time. To cope some people increase their rate of breathing, whereas others tend to have a bluish appearance and bloated due to lack of oxygen and build up of fluid.To cope some people increase their rate of breathing, whereas others tend to have a bluish appearance and bloated due to lack of oxygen and build up of fluid.
Lung Cancer Lung cancer develops when cells become abnormal and grow out of control. Over time they form a clump - also known as a tumour. Lung cancer develops when cells become abnormal and grow out of control. Over time they form a clump - also known as a tumour. Lung cancer develops in the tubes that carry air in and out of the lungs (your airways). It can grow within the lung, and it can spread outside the lung. Lung cancer develops in the tubes that carry air in and out of the lungs (your airways). It can grow within the lung, and it can spread outside the lung.
Lung cancer often develops slowly. It is thought that cells first become abnormal at least five years before the cancer can be detected. The reasons for this delay include: Lung cancer often develops slowly. It is thought that cells first become abnormal at least five years before the cancer can be detected. The reasons for this delay include: most tumours grow slowlymost tumours grow slowly the lungs are largethe lungs are large the lungs do not feel pain (pain is not common in lung cancer)the lungs do not feel pain (pain is not common in lung cancer) some of the symptoms are similar to those of COPD, which many smokers also havesome of the symptoms are similar to those of COPD, which many smokers also have
Causes of Lung Cancer The vast majority - over 80% - of lung cancers are caused by smoking tobacco or by indirect exposure to tobacco smoke (passive smoking). The vast majority - over 80% - of lung cancers are caused by smoking tobacco or by indirect exposure to tobacco smoke (passive smoking). The other main causes are breathing industrial chemicals such as asbestos, arsenic and polycyclic hydrocarbons or the natural radioactive gas, radon. The other main causes are breathing industrial chemicals such as asbestos, arsenic and polycyclic hydrocarbons or the natural radioactive gas, radon.
Common symptoms are: Common symptoms are: A cough that won't go away. This is caused by irritation of the tubes that carry air in and out of your lungs (the airways)A cough that won't go away. This is caused by irritation of the tubes that carry air in and out of your lungs (the airways) Breathlessness - if the tumour is either large or blocks off an airwayBreathlessness - if the tumour is either large or blocks off an airway Wheezing from that side of the chest - this may make it difficult to sleep on one sideWheezing from that side of the chest - this may make it difficult to sleep on one side Blood in your sputum (phlegm)Blood in your sputum (phlegm) Pain - usually only if the tumour reaches the edge of the lungPain - usually only if the tumour reaches the edge of the lung Weight loss - because cancers use up energy to grow.Weight loss - because cancers use up energy to grow. General FatigueGeneral Fatigue