1 Layered Avatar Behavior Model and Script Language for the Object Interaction Jae-Kyung Kim
2 Contents Part I : Ph.D Degree Dissertation –Introduction –Related Works –Research Goals –Layered Avatar Behavior Model and Script Language Avatar-Object Interaction Model Layered Script Language Approach –Empirical Evaluations –Conclusion Part II : Current Research Interests –Avatar Augmented Annotation Interface for e-Learning
3 Introduction Recent studies on human character(Avatar) animation are mostly focused on realistic motion representation –ex) Facial Animation, synchronization between lips movement and speech text, hair animation, so on. Creating human character motion by motion capture technique –Very useful for creating human motion, and low-level animation Many researches about avatar motion control mainly care about realistic motion –Our main goal is to provide simple user interface by controlling avatar motion at high-level concept
4 Low-level Animation –Classic and basic control technique –Rotate & move every parts of avatar body –Depending on animator’s skill, any desired motion can be created in detail manner –However, it is very hard work for unskilled user to control and create avatar motion –3DS Max, Maya, Motion capture Related Works(1/2)
5 Related Works(2/2) Avatar Script Languages –Represents avatar body and facial motion in language format (eg. XML) –Control synchronization and intensity of behaviors through parameters –Most scripts use pre-defined general behaviors –Difficulty in creating script due to complicated parameters and synchronization –Some scripts stick to specific format for an engine, possibly causing low compatibility –AML, CML, XSTEP, TVML, etc.
6 Research Goals & Motivation Create animation scenario script with less effort and time in a specific application domain Pre-defined general behavior can’t support all application domains More abstract representation is required for authoring script Explicitly separate user interface and animation engine for extensibility and compatibility Existing scripts support user interface and animation engine level at the same time Standard format and structure is needed
7 Layered Avatar Behavior Model and Script Overall structure Task-Level Behavior Script Task-Level Behavior Script Avatar-Object Interaction Model Avatar-Object Interaction Model High-level Motion Script High-level Motion Script Primitive Motion Script Primitive Motion Script 1 st Translator (Task-to-High) 1 st Translator (Task-to-High) Geometric Information Geometric Information 2 nd Translator (High-to-Primitive) 2 nd Translator (High-to-Primitive) Primitive Motion Script Primitive Motion Script Avatar Low-level Animation Data Avatar Low-level Animation Data Object Low-level Animation Data Object Low-level Animation Data Avatar Low-level Animation Data Avatar Low-level Animation Data Object Low-level Animation Data Object Low-level Animation Data Application Context Menu Interface (Display) Context Menu Interface (Display) User Domain Interface Layer Motion Sequence Layer Recording Translating Application Layer
8 Avatar-Object Interaction Model(1/2) Basic Object Structure –Proposed model has multiple objects below the ObjectList element –An object is composed of three elements Context : object state, access privilege, controlpoint and domain type ExecutableBehaviors : all executable behaviors for user interface menu MotionList : motion sequence to complete a behavior Executable Behaviors Object+ ObjectList ContextMotionList Basic XML DTD sturcture
Avatar-Object Interaction Model(2/2) 9 Avatar-Object Interaction Model Context Executable Behaviors MotionList Domain AcessGroup ControlPoint State User Behaviors Selection Task Planning Selectable Behaviors Behaviors List Motion List Select a Behavior Generating Motions …
10 Context Element(1/5) State Element –Describes internal object states by pair of variable and value attributes –Variable has affective motion and current state methods Affective motion defines post-state value, and corresponding motion which changes the state Current state function is defined in XSLT script that processes state element to make boolean result output of current state value –Behavior menu and motion sequence are decided according to changes of state variables value
11 Affective Motion Post State closed State Functions IsClosed Variable : DoorState Event Motion Result State V V VV V Door Object InteractionState Changes IF –(1) Event Motion = Affective Motion –(2) State Function = TRUE THEN –(1) Make up of Variable list which satisfy conditions –(2) Set each variable Value to Post_State –(3) Output boolean result by State Function Value closed Motion Name close ‘close’ ‘True’ Context Element(2/5)
12 Context Element(3/5) ControlPoint Element –Spatial reference points around a object where avatar stands and interact with it –Depending on the behaviors and object states, a object may have various points –A point is consisted of position, direction and contact elements –The elements has coarse references to represent spatial location at high-level Human readable Independent from physical geometric object models –Used for behavior sub-tasking and motion sequencing
13 Context Element(4/5) –Position Relative 5 basic and 4 composed positions for each objects Standard axis is –z for front on zy-plane –Direction Object relative 4 basic and composed directions to determine avatar’s orientation Rotation axis is y and zero degree for forward direction –Contact designate a specific part of the object when the avatar makes contact with the object The corners of the bounding box of 3D objects and the center point of the surface ElementReference Values Position Front, Behind, Left, Right, Center Left&Front, Right&Front, Left&Behind, Right&Behind Direction Backward, Forward, Left, Right Left&Forward, Right&forward, Left&Backward, Right&backward Contact Front, Behind, Left, Right, Top, Bottom, Center Left&Front&Center, Left&Front&Top, Left&Front&Bottom, Right&Front&Center …. Position Direction x z y Contact
14 Access Group Element –Object behavior can be accessed by several user types –Each user type has different purpose and usage –Each group has different access to behavior interface DomainType Element –Not only internal state of object, but also external domain state can effect behavior interaction. –The same object can behave as a different semantic object e.g. A car object in traffic simulation domain and assembly training domain –DomainType element defines name of domain for checking current domain type. Context Element(5/5)
15 Layered Script Language Overall structure Task-Level Behavior Script Task-Level Behavior Script Avatar-Object Interaction Model Avatar-Object Interaction Model High-level Motion Script High-level Motion Script Primitive Motion Script Primitive Motion Script 1 st Translator (Task-to-High) 1 st Translator (Task-to-High) Geometric Information Geometric Information 2 nd Translator (High-to-Primitive) 2 nd Translator (High-to-Primitive) Primitive Motion Script Primitive Motion Script Avatar Low-level Animation Data Avatar Low-level Animation Data Object Low-level Animation Data Object Low-level Animation Data Avatar Low-level Animation Data Avatar Low-level Animation Data Object Low-level Animation Data Object Low-level Animation Data Application Context Menu Interface (Display) Context Menu Interface (Display) User Domain Interface Layer Motion Sequence Layer Recording Translating Application Layer
16 Task-level Behavior Script(1/2) Task-level Behavior Script –Presents object and avatar behaviors using XML DTD –Records and saves user action in temporal sequence –Extensible representation for behavior set Objects in a domain makeup the usable behavior set Cf) existing script which has pre-defined behavior DTD –Independent from rendering environments Doesn’t present appearance of avatar model, positional information of virtual objects, so on.
17 Task-level Behavior Script(2/2) Definition of Task-level Avatar-Object Behavior Script –Template-based Avatar-Object Behavior Representation Domain behavior set is flexibly defined by object instances Task-level Behavior = (Object, Executable-Behavior, Narration) Object Behavior Narration Task-level Behavior Script = DoorEnter Text Highlight Computer Prev.page Screen Point Computer Next page Hello I’m... Domain Object Pool User Selection User Text Typing
18 High-level Motion Script(1/2) High-level Motion Script –Bridges between task-level script and primitive motion script –Independent from both interface domain and application domain –Parameterized motion support Synchronization, speed, target, repeat, intensity, decay, etc Abstract values rather than physical
19 High-level Motion Script(2/2) Structure of high-level script DTD
Primitive Motion Script Primitive motion –Supported by rendering engine or motion library –Represented in physical parameter values ex) Geometric values such as coordinates of avatar and objects, radian value of avatar direction, etc –Parameters are transmitted to animation engine to play animation scenario on screen
21 Task-level Behavior Script Translator –Translates task-level behavior script into high-level motion script –Consisted of motion sequences to perform task-level behaviors Motion planning by task planner and generate the sequences ex) –Uses logical application domain knowledge –According to formal translation model, script of each domains is converted to a high-level motion script Script Translators(1/4)
22 Script Translators(2/4) Formal Task Translation Model –Identification of target find location of target object(L o ) –Locomotive motion (M l ) identification of present avatar location (L a ) spatial distance between L a and L o generate L m, if L a ≠ L o –Manipulative motion (M m ) generate M m for L o –Verbal information (V i ) generate verbal speech for avatar behavior if available Speed and intensity parameters parameterize M m and M l for speed, intensity and duration
23 Script Translators(3/4) –Procedure modules Spatial Information Generator Spatial Information Generator Temporal Information Generator Temporal Information Generator Locomotion Generator Locomotion Generator Intensity Controller Intensity Controller Task-level Behavior Task-level Script Translator Ex) task-level behavior script Let's do it next time! High-level Motion Ex) Generated high-level motion students normal default normal default normal Let's do it next time!
24 High-level Motion Script Translator –Major module : Object geometric information analyzer Calculates location, size, and direction of virtual objects Current status of avatar position and posture –Translates abstract parameters of high-level script to physical values Script Translators(4/4) Object Geometry Analyzer Object Geometry Analyzer Virtual Space Object Geometry High-level Motion Script High-level Motion Trasnlator High-level Motion Trasnlator Primitive Motion Script this is …
25 System Implementation(1/2) Creating a scenario script
26 System Implementation(2/2) Running a scenario script in different environments –Different physical properties of virtual objects –Applying same task-level script to other applications OpenGL Application 2D Web Application(MSAgent)
Empirical Evaluation(1/3) 23 Users were asked to do the 20 tasks pre-defined in video material and text handouts Features –Time to finish each test –Ratio of achieved tasks Groups and Systems –G1 : Novice users(12) –G2 : Expert users(11) –S1 : Proposed method –S2 : Proposed method w/o context element –S3 : Alice system(comparatively lower behavior representation) Analysis –One-way ANOVA (analysis of variance)
Empirical Evaluation(2/3) Results Group 1 (Novice) Group 2 (Expert)
Empirical Evaluation(3/3) Lesson Learned –Using abstract task-level behavior, both a novice and expert user achieved high accuracy and fast scripting performance. Expert users made the better result in Alice system than novice users –Expert users showed a tradeoff in Alice system Those of who spent much time made almost same task achievement ratio to the proposed system However, the proposed system could save much time –Both group answered that context behavior menu helped in creating scenario Novice user prefers abstract behavior, while some expert user tends to prefer primitive motion for detail manipulation
30 Conclusion Conclusion –The proposed method consisted of 3 layered script languages and object interaction model –Avatar-object task-level behavior, abstracts from low-level concept to make script easier –By separating interface and application, the script can be reused in various environments –Novice user can create scenario with less effort and prefer the proposed method
Current Research Interests : Avatar Augmented Annotation Interface for e-Learning Introduction –E-Learning, web-based teaching (WBT), and distance learning learn in their own spaces and times –Interactions between students and teachers provide more educational effect Without interactions, students become bored with online coursework –Interaction techniques Video and animation clips Animated Pedagogical Agent Annotations(Digital Ink) 31
Current Interests : Avatar Augmented Annotation Interface for e-Learning Animated Pedagogical Agent –The main advantage of classroom instruction over distance education Persona Effect Gestures performed in live instruction –Many systems have been studied CTA, MASH, Wizlow, PPP, Steve, and etc –Creating these avatar-augmented presentations Usually laborious and time consuming Easy and intuitive authoring interface technique is needed 32
Current Interests : Avatar Augmented Annotation Interface for e-Learning Annotation (digital inking) –an important feature of a digital lecture or presentation system –Annotation or Digital inking can capture the knowledge between student and teacher and easily share and reuse material –AnnotatED, OATS, Xlibris, Intelligent Pen, etc 33
Current Research Interests : Avatar Augmented Annotation Interface for e-Learning Avatar augmented annotation –Enhances learning effects by integrating these two functionalities : avatar and annotation –To author animated lecture contents –To mark up the presentation using freehand annotations Reduce costs of controlling avatar animation Author and user created narrative scenarios 34 Integrating Framework Freehand Annotation Interface Avatar Animation Scenario Author/User End-User
Overall structure of the proposed system Context Model Free-Hand Gesture Menu Animation Model Scenario Script Original Web Document Animated Content Motion Library Annotation Model Author’s Interface User’s Interface Current Research Interests : Avatar Augmented Annotation Interface for e-Learning
Main components –Annotation model Recognize free-hand annotation types Menu-based annotation types –Context model Structure information of web documents –Annotated position in Xlink/Xpath –HTML/XML tag information of annotated area –Animation model Animation list Animation decision rules –Assign animation to annotation, according to each annotation types defined in annotation and context models 36
Summary –Still at the early proposal stage Working on defining the models and implementing interfaces Continue it as an individual research during post-doc period –Considering co-work with other related systems Applying pen-based interface to OATS or AnnotatED Agent interface for semantic navigation or recommendation system 37 Current Research Interests : Avatar Augmented Annotation Interface for e-Learning