Over the course of the project, our team created a virtual soccer shootout, dubbed Kick. The premise of this game is for the goalie to block a randomly calculated shot from the striker.
Using the Advanced Computing Center for the Arts and Design (ACCAD) Motion Capture Lab, capture, process, and integrate motions into a three dimensional game.
Game ideas: 1) Soccer Shootout 2) Snowboarding 3) Adventure / Sword Fighting 4) Covert Intrusion or Extraction / Spy Game 5) Timed Escape 6) Cricket
Jobs: Abishek – Actor Kevin – Director Ronak – Motion Capture Technician Outline: Standing Walk Run-Kick-Stop -glance at goal -forward -run to ball -leg stretches -backward -strike ball -slight arm motion -come to slow halt -head roll -watch the goal Dives / Saves Celebration Sorrow -one per direction -action of striker -head in hands -dive to sides, jump, -Cleopatra dance -stare at ground grab, kneel -eagle dance -kick the grass -wavy dance -fall and pound ground
After motion was captured with Vicon iQ, it was exported to MotionBuilder and then to Maya for further processing. After the motion was mapped to a “skeleton”, used to emulate bones and joints in a three dimensional model, it was exported to a format compatible with the game engine used in development.
Maya was used to create a model of Ohio Stadium (“The Horseshoe”), albeit with a soccer pitch instead of a football field. The GIMP and Photoshop CS2 were used to create the texture maps of the Portuguese striker, the Brazilian goalie, and the other textures used in the game.
The programming language Python was used to implement the logic of the game in Panda3D, an open-source game engine that places emphasis on a short learning curve and rapid development. In its present form, the code for the game is about 400 lines long.
Animations had to be trimmed at the frame level. Each model had to be independently scaled to in order to “fit” each other. Title, instruction, and credit images were created. An installer was created to allow easy distribution of the game.
Music was inserted to benefit the ambiance of the game. The selections are a common soccer chant and an African song that adds an international flair to our version of the “World’s Game”. The sound clips were edited using Audacity, an open-source audio editor.
A website was created for the game, which offers downloads of both the Windows installer and the source code with all necessary resources. This allows any programmer in the world to take our code and modify it as they see fit, which will help the continued evolution of the game.