iVisual: An Intelligent Visual Sensor SoC with 2790fps CMOS Image Sensor and 205GOPS/W Vision Processor Video analysis technology –Healthcare, HMI, surveillance, intelligent vehicle… Challenges –Privacy: Video data revealed from inter-chip traffic –Throughput: Traffic mismatch slows down processors –Power: parallel access of data memory 1 XETAL-II (ISSCC’07) Data Production: 430Gb/s Data Consumption: 2.7Gb/s Parallel Memory Access (2R1W/cycle)
iVisual Architecture 2 Parallel-to-scalar processor 36% throughput increase Bitplane-based storage, reduced data port Reduce 43% process area Light-in, answer-out SoC architecture, no video data revealed to external Avoid possible privacy problems Additional memory hierarchy between SIMD array and memory 62% power reduction
Results 3 Throughput increase Power efficiency