Only if no heirs. Note that many states stop looking at a designated generation.
Person dead for 7 years and no will probated.
Immediate from decedent to heir or will beneficiary. But, subject to decedent’s debts. But, PR has superior right to possess.
Lineals can inherit. Collaterals may not.
Will X inherit a portion of H’s separate property? A.Yes. B.Yes, only if born within 9 months of H’s death. C.No.
Will posthumous niece/nephew inherit a portion of Peter’s separate property? A.Yes. B.Yes, only if born within 9 months of H’s death. C.No.
Law of spouse’s domicile at time of property acquisition.
Personal Property = Domicile at death
Real Property = Situs of Property
No equitable adjustment upon death of separate property acquired elsewhere that would have been community property if acquired in Texas. Note: Some states do so by recognizing “quasi-community” property.
Cause of action recognized in Texas.
Recognized in Texas.
Not allowed in Texas