Beginning Your Study of Children Child Development Unit 1- Learning About Children Textbook Chapter 1-1
Why is Childhood Important? The foundation for future development is set. Connections between nerve cells in the brain are built allowing the brain to think and control the body. These connections are built by stimulating the brain. Talking, Playing, Moving, Interacting with Surroundings etc.
Why is Childhood Important? Child Development = the study of how children master new skills. It is divided into 5 areas of study- Physical Development- muscles and use of body Social Development- communication with the world Emotional Development- expression of feelings Moral Development- sense of right and wrong Intellectual Development- learning
Why Study Children? To Understand Children… To Gain Skills… Why children act, feel, and think as they do. The importance of caregivers. To Gain Skills… Understanding what a child needs at each stage of development. To prepare for a role as a parent or caregiver.
Why Study Children? To Understand Yourself… To Build for the Future… What has helped you develop into the person you are today? To Build for the Future… Become a better parent or caregiver. Make decisions for yourself and your family. Prepare for life’s multiple responsibilities.
Journal Entry Respond to the following statement in the Journal section of your notebook. “Only people who already have children or who are wanting a career that is child-related should study child development.” Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Explain your answer.
Understanding Childhood Child Development Unit 1- Learning About Children Textbook Chapter 1-2
What is Childhood? Childhood is the period of life separate from adulthood. Early Childhood is the period of life from birth to age 8. The study of child development is relatively new. Not until the 1900’s did people begin to think of this period of growth as important.
Childhood Past vs. Present Work: Everyone had a job to do to. Different household jobs were given based on age. Most do not work until adulthood. The job of a child now is to play. Play: Fewer toys that were homemade from wood. Lots of toys- video games, electronics, toys made from plastic and metal. Education: Small schools- one room and one teacher for all children. No public education for all & attendance not required. Large schools with several buildings and classrooms. Public education for everyone & attendance is required.
Childhood Past vs. Present Health: Every child born did not survive. Disease caused death in nearly every family. Disease is controlled and many are prevented through immunizations. Dress: Children dressed like small adults. Clothes were made from the same materials, just smaller in size. Different colors and fabrics are used. Care: Children stayed home and worked to maintain family life. Cared for by family members. Children leave the home to go to an outside caregiver while parents work.
What Researchers Have Found… Characteristics of Development Development is similar for everyone. Children go through the same stages in about the same order. Ex: Most babies lift their heads before the lift their bodies. Development builds on earlier learning. Development follows a sequence or pattern. Ex: Learning words then forming sentences.
What Researchers Have Found… Characteristics of Development Development proceeds at an individual rate. Although children follow the same pattern of development the speed at which they master new skills will be different. Ex: The age at which a child says their 1st word. The areas of development are interrelated. All areas of development are changing at the same time and have an impact on one another. Ex: As a child learns more words they are able to express their emotions easier. Development continues throughout life. Development never stops.
Influences on Child Development Heredity Passing of characteristics through generations. Ex: Blood Type, Eye Color, Hair Color. Environment The people, places, and things that surround us. Ex: Family, Home, Friends, Community Which has the stronger influence? Most today believe that they both have great influence on development.
Journal Entry Respond to the following question in the journal section of your notebook. What skills and qualities make a good caregiver? What can someone who doesn’t have these skills or qualities do to obtain them?